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Friday, 10 August 2007

Dear diary,
Today was disgusting. But at least I didn't have to eat anything gross. Gwen did, though. It was the greatest day of my life. Also, Chris let Izzy back in the game AGAIN, which is so unfair! That psycho doesn't deserve a second chance!

Gwen also got voted off tonight. She totally deserved it for the way she treated me. I tried to tell my team that she was throwing our challenges, but they didn't believe me, AGAIN. No one ever listens to me, and I haven't done anything to them this season!! LeShawna and Harold voted for Gwen for different reasons, but at least they voted for her. Bye, won't miss that goth loser. She's so annoyingly popular on the show for being GOTH. I mean, she has so many followers online and people were rooting for her last season. Give me a break. Everyone's such an idiot. They all should've been rooting for ME. Once I win this season, they'll all realize that I'm the only good competitor on this damned show.
xoxo, Heather

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