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Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Dear diary,
Chris deserves to be in prison. I know this is kind of overdue—ok, WAY overdue, but he does. He literally left us on an island to DIE. Gwen and Duncan tried to ditch me, and the only food I had was Owen's chocolate bars. Soon, all of us ended up together in one big treehouse because there was a stupid snake circling us on the ground. We thought we were going to die, so we confessed all of our secrets. We agreed that what happened on that island stayed on that island, but I think it's safe to tell you, because these are JUICY.

So Owen's secret wasn't really a "secret." He just "confessed" that he stole all of the candy every Halloween when his parents left out a bowl for children. Big surprise.

Duncan's secret was very...disturbing. He told us that he went to Juvie for streaking. Yes, you heard that right: STREAKING. He stripped naked at one of his friends' birthday parties at a public park. What a weirdo.

But Gwen's secret was far more interesting than the other two's. Gwen confessed that she legit STOLE someone's identity when she started high school. I'm not even sure if Gwen is her real name.

And my confession was about how I got an A in my sophomore math class last school year. It's not like I can't do geometry, because I can. I just didn't feel like doing the homework. One of my teachers begged me to be on the mathletes team in freshman year. I just didn't want to look like a nerd anymore, so I had to do some pretty low things to make sure I locked my A in place. I didn't do anything too far, but I did flirt with my teacher, who was a married man. I'm not proud of it at all, but I never did anything gross—just flirting. He was like 40 years old, so that would've been disgusting! It's the most humiliating secret that I have, and when I look back one year later, I can see how wrong it was on his part too. He ended up getting arrested for something to do with having relations with some 15-year-old, and I'm glad because I honestly don't know how to feel about it except for shame and guilt. I no longer have to see him at school and think about how I flirted with someone who was married on a daily basis for months, so that's a plus. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

Thank god I've made multiple decoys of this diary.
xoxo, Heather

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