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Thursday, 16 August 2007

Dear diary,
I will forever be traumatized from today's challenge. We had to pick someone on our team to scare us, and whoever made their team scream the loudest won. The other team picked Beth, and Chef made DJ scare us, which was the lamest decision ever. Chris made me do something that I'll have nightmares about forever: I had to KISS that vandal Duncan for one of the scare scenes. That made me scream way louder than DJ ever could. Seriously, I'm going to need therapy after this season! We won the challenge, though. Then, we got to scare the other team for invincibly. They had to sleep in the dinning hall for the night. It was a lot of fun because I got to pretend I was a dead security guard. It was so easy to scare them because Lindsiot was on that team. I'm currently washing my mouth for the one hundredth time, because I can still state the street on Duncan's lips! Ugh!!!!
xoxo, Heather

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