Part 18:a mysterious Empoleon

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Chloe,Pikachu and Lucario was going to do a commission for Chloe's mother,meanwhile a mysterious shiny Empoleon was running towards a safe place for avoid to be catched by some poachers."brother....need you..."she thought while she was still running. "mmmh?" Lucario saw the pokemon running in the opposite direction and didn't recognize it because of the different color,though he felt her aura."This so strong..."he thought while he saw the poachers follow that pokemon.
"Lucario,what happened?"said Chloe while Lucario was running in the same direction of the misterious pokemon and the poachers.
"There's a pokemon in danger and i'm going to help them...i felt a similar aura of someone i already know..."
"Alright,we come with you.Pikachu,let's go"
After this all the three start running towards that direction.
Meanwhile the poachers reached the poor shiny Empoleon.
"Eh eh catch will give us enough money for live an happy life for a lot of time. We won't let you go!"said one of them while all of them release Houndoom and Golbat from their pokeballs."Do you think to defeat six pokemon alone?Eh,for how weak you're i highly doubt about it"said the leader.
"Houndoom,attack that penguin with Flamethrower"then the three Houndooms attack but Empoleon avoided the attack and used Water Pledge on all of them.The attack was supereffective.
One of the poachers was impressed while the others asked the Golbats to use Air Cutter. Empoleon use Blizzard for counter them and all of them get frozed solid.
"Uhm...i've to admit that i've underustimated you but let's see if you're able to beat these ones" said the leader while releasing Toxicroak.Meanwhile the Houndooms recovered from the attack.
Empoleon tried to use Water Pledge again but Toxicroak's ability nullified the attack. Empoleon feels fear now.
"Ah,your patetic water attacks can do nothing to our Toxicroak.Now Toxicroak use Drain Punch".
Toxicroak hits the poor penguin on the stomach with a powerful punch.
"Houndoom,Fire Fang" and one of the Houndooms bited Empoleon's wing with a Fire Fang. The poor penguin tried to get up.
"Alright,everyone,finish that bird" and all the pokemon attacked the poor penguin together...until someone use Thunder and hit all of them with one attack. Then the Pikachu put himself in front of the Empoleon for protect her while trying to untimidate their opponents with some sparks from his cheeks.
"How a little mouse can do it?"said one of them while another order Houndoom to use Crunch on the Pikachu. Though Lucario stopped Houndoom with Bone Rush and send it back by kicking it on the stomach.
"Ehi you,stop hurting this Empoleon" said Chloe.
"Tch,do you think that i'll hear you?"
said the leader while the Houndoom are attacking again. Pikachu jumped on each of their head and landed a powerful Thunderbolt then Lucario hit all of them with a series of Bone Rush and kicks. The Houndooms fall down and goes KO.
"Tch,alright Toxicroak,time to hit them with them with a Drain Punch".Toxicroak was attacking them but a Gardevoir use Psychic and push them back.
"Wait what?" said the leader while the police reached them.
"You're under arrest?"said the policeman.
Meanwhile a man with a Blaziken reached Chloe."Hey,are you alright?"
"Y-Yes but who are you?"
"I'm Luke Stuart and i'm a doctor.Gardevoir is one of my Pokemon."
"Oh,nice to meet you"
"Well,time to help this poor Empoleon"said the doctor.Blaziken took the Empoleon.
"Brother...need"said the Empoleon
"Ah,so this Empoleon was trying to find her brother.Now go to the hospital."
"Yeah,so i can see how's Empoleon."
"Wait what? You're the trainer of the Empoleon currently in the hospital?"
"No,just for curiosity".
Then,all of them goes to the hospital. Will the Empoleon finally find her brother?We'll see next time.

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