Chapter 14

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Lapis's POV

uncle Hades commented on my observation by saying:" that indeed seems like the proper assumption, however gods cant steal each other's symbols of power.

me:" then we have to find an accomplice, I understand that both symbols of powers had been stolen around the time of the winter solstice correct?

Hades:" yes around the same day that your fellow demi-gods were allowed onto Olympus, that is one of the reasons Zeus suspects you, that and your parentage.

Me:" so we simply have to root out who of the demigods present that day was alone in the throne room long enough to be capable of stealing and hiding both items

luke:"how do we do that?

me: simple, every single demigod present at the time will be questioned with one of the gods of truth present, ( these gods being Apolo and Aletheia, yes according to google there are 2 of them)we can't do that to Ares himself because he will just try to kill everything at that point. if the truth god feels the demigod is lying then that demigod will be pointed out, and out of the demigods that get pointed out we have to keep questioning them until we find the traitor.

Annabeth:" and how do we know questioning them will work?

me:" why do you think the truth gods have to be there during questioning  Annabeth, you can't fool them.

Hades:" lapis HAS got a point Athena spawn, about both the truth gods and Ares. both Aletheia and Apolo can see a lie from a mile away, and Ares is most certanly not someone you want to bring into questioning. it would be the wisest course of action.

me:" so shall we head to Olympus and convince Lord drama queen to test the demigods

luke:" Lord drama queen? Be careful princess or he might strike you down.

me:" if he truly wanted to kill me he would have done so days ago. besides, he thinks I have the bolt so it would be stupid for him to do anything to harm me.

Hades:" it would be best if I go with you, that way you will be somewhat more convincing to the council.

me:" thank you, uncle.

hades told us to grab onto his hand sticking it out to us as he stood up and close our eyes so as to not be incinerated by his true form. we did so and were beamed to the throne room on Olympus.

I heard the other gods beam into the room as well before I had opened my eyes, them having probably sensed hades entering Olympus, him usually not being allowed up here.

I opened my eyes and saw all the gods except for Ares, Demeter, aphrodite and Hephaestus, I approached the middle of the throne room and bowed quite the same way I did when first entering uncle hades his throne room and addressed Zeus as the other demi-gods joined me in the middle of the room, knowing that his ego wouldn't take it if I didn't.

me:" greetings to the illustrious king of the god's lord Zeus, and the prestigious council of the gods.

Zeus let a cocky smile spread over his face at those words and said:" well at least you have some manners girl, but why have you returned here without my bolt. and why did you take my brother with you?

me:" my lord, it has come to our attention that the helm of darkness had gone astray as well and that both items are not within the mortal realm. due to this Lord hades and the four of us, demi-gods had concluded that someone is trying to instigate a war between yourself, lord hades and my father. we can only assume that lord Ares was manipulated into helping with this as war is his domain meaning he wouldn't be able to help himself. so we have a proposal.

Zeus looked intrigued. he turned his attention to hades and asked:" why didn't you say anything of your helm beforehand brother?

hades:" I did not want to place any more pressure on the young demi-gods shoulders, children of Poseidon's are known to not deal with stress all to well.

dad:" thank you for thinking of my child brother

Zeus:" anyway, what is this proposal you spoke of demi-goddess

me:" we believe that it would be best if all suspects get questioned by and or under the supervision of one of the gods of truth, this way we would be able to find the culprit the fastest.

Athena:" logical deduction, we wouldn't,t get anything out of Ares so the next best thing is targeting the suspects. you might have some merit after all sea-spawn

Me:" I suppose I should take that as a compliment, thank you, my lady.

Athena gave me a smirk as hermes was told by Zeus to go get Aletheia and Apolo and Hestia to go tell the camp.

as we were waiting on the others to arrive Zeus and dad went to check out Ares his temple on Olympus to see if the items were hidden there.


it was apparent that Zeus and dad had found the bolt and helm by the looks on both their faces, dad handed the helm of darkness to uncle hades as Zeus went and sat back on his throne.


after everyone arrived Zeus told them the plan and the two truth gods took the first set of campers into separate hallways behind the thrones, the rest were given permission to speak with their godly parents or to just mingle around. all the gods except for Apolo and Aletheia stayed in the throne room with us. they had also put up a few tables with food and drinks because we were going to be here a long time.

Annabeth seemed really panicked and I could tell that she was struggling to come up with whatever she wanted to come up with. she was making it really apparent that she was the culprit and it was being noticed by more demigods than just me.

a few Apolo kids, some Hephaestus kids and even a good handful of Annabeth's own siblings were giving her some shifty looks.

I decided to let it go for now as she had no way of escaping her fate now no matter if she was or wasn't questioned, so I just went to dad. he was sitting on his throne staring into space seemingly uninterested in the questioning. he did however notice me approaching him and picked me up as soon as I was close enough for him to do so setting me on his lap and going back to spacing out.

the others were all staring at us as if we had both just grown 50 heads, I just ignored him and curled into his chest, closing my eyes and coming to a peaceful rest for the first time in like 4 days.

after a minute or so more the demi-gods taken for questioning were brought back and the next batch of demi-gods was taken. luke was one of them, being taken by the arm by Apolo. said god being a bit weary of hermes his favourite child, however luke complied with him causing him to let luke walk by himself once more.


I'm ending it here so that you guys can get this one on new years (at least for some of Europe cuz I live there and I'm bad with time zones)

I'm sorry for taking a long time on this one guy's girls and everyone in between or outside of that.


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