chapter 13

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lapis POV

we had made it to las vegas with the train we had just barely managed to get to, we were now walking through some random street trying to find a bus stop when Annabeth suddenly started to complain about being tired and pointed to a hotel in the distance.

I recognized the place immediately and said:" I don't think it a good idea to stop, especially in a place like Vegas, who knows where there might be monsters running around just looking for a meal?

luke:" you do have a point lapis, but I don't think we can keep walking constantly. especially since we still have 250 miles to go.

I sigh as I give in to their desires, at least we can get those lotus cards so we don't have to worry about money. however, I won't let us stay too long, I wanted to contact dad or triton to ask for advice, but before I could ask anyone dad already popped into my head. he told me that I would keep my perception of time as long as I didn't eat or drink anything from the hotel. I thanked him and trailed the others inside.

we were greeted at the door and were all handed one of the green-coloured credit cards and given room keys, when we got there we walked into an entire apartment, it had a common room, 4 bedrooms all having their own bathroom and a balcony that has a hot tub.

in the rooms, there were clothes for us to use so we could simply take those with us later too.

I knew everyone would stay in the room for at least a little while so to keep watch over them I took the bathing suit that was in my room and went to the hot tub I sat so I could see the front door, that way I knew who left and who didn't. a little bit later luke peeked out of his room calling out for me.

I called back:" Jes luke.

he looked in my direction and gave me an "are you serious" look seeing me sitting in the hot tub but didn't say anything and walked up to me asking:" why didn't you want to go here? it seems like a nice place.

me:" yea but something about it is giving me the Hibi jibes. like the text above the entrance doors "you will never want to leave" it seems almost like a warning.

luke:" now that you brought it up, it does seem too good to be true that we already had a reservation.

me:" I don't think we should stay long, an hour or two at best. and we should also avoid doing anything like playing games, or eating and drinking stuff. it could just be some weird scam where they make everything inside the room free but all the games and food and such are super expensive to trick people into losing their entire savings.

luke:" good plan, I will tell the others now that they can't leave the room until we leave to continue the quest.

me:" thank you luke.

luke:" no problem. and hey, maybe I can come to join you after Princess

me:" ok prince charming.

well, that was a lot easier than I had fought, luke walked away and went to the other two's bedrooms to tell them.


we were just leaving the casino and had called over a cab, Annabeth had been crying the entire time about not jet being rested enough, I had finally reached my breaking point and yelled at her:" ANNABETH IF YOU DONT STOP CRYING ABOUT YOUR FUCKING BEAUTY SLEEP I WILL JUST UP AND LEAVE YOU HERE, NOW GET IN THE CAB.

the others all looked super shocked but it did work in shutting Annabeth up and getting the to get in the taxi, we paid the taxi driver with one of the green cards to get us over to west Hollywood where the portal to the underworld is.


we had made it to west Hollywood and were again walking around, this time trying to find the entrance to the underworld, we were left alone this time because of luke being with us. his scar and very watchful demeanour managed to scare away any troublesome 12th graders walking around the place.

after a long stroke of walking, we made it to the entrance of the underworld. after paying Charon off with a handful of drachmas, he took us down to the underworld and put us on a boat with a whole lot of other people.

it took a while but eventually, we came directly to the gates of judgement where we were met face-to-face with Cerberus, since I had played with Cerberus in the past he knew that I was allowed into the underworld and simply let us pass confusing the others, they, however, didn't question it for long being happy that we didn't have to face off with the giant guardian of Hades.

we walked into the field of asphodel and walked around it for a pretty long time until we finally came upon Uncle's castle, Cronus couldn't drag any of us to the pit because luke was on our side this time so we didn't have that whole debacle. I ran up to the door and knocked on it, Annabeth screamed at me that I was going to get us killed but I told her that if we were going into a god's home we at least show some form of respect which got her to be quiet.

a skeleton dressed in old Mycenaean armour holding a spear came to the door and said:" greetings young demi-gods, the lord has been expecting your arrival. please follow me to the throne room.

after we walked through hallway after hallway and passed hundreds of skeleton soldiers all in differing suits of armour/uniforms we finally came to the throne room, there we saw uncle hades in all his glory, he was currently 14 feet tall and resting casually on the armrest of his throne.

I bowed to him after making my way to the middle of the throne room and said:" greeting uncle.

the other soon took position behind me, a bit shocked that I would be ballzy enough to call him uncle. they too bowed and said:" greeting Lord hades.

uncle then spoke and said:" rise demi-gods, and tell me what brings you here.

me:" uncle, the recent activity of underworld creatures as well as the sudden disappearance of lord Zeus's lightning bolt has made Chiron believe that something was amiss here as well, we were therefore sent here to inquire what was wrong and see if it can help us locate the lightning bolt.

hades:" ah, yes. I apologize for Electo's attack on you Lapis, she had heard the rumours of you being the culprit behind my brother's symbol of power disappearing and made conclusions. as for the problem here, my helmet of darkness has also gone astray, it seems someone is trying to start a war between me and my brothers.

me:" well then we will have to investigate in the most logical place, the god of war.


I'M SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK. my schools giving me insomnia istg, and I'm only past my first semester.

love you guys, bye.

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