𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗: 𝐌𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

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Miya pov:

I don't know why I did it; it just happened; it felt so natural in the moment; I needed her, and I couldn't stay away, and I could see she wanted it to happen. So yes, I kissed her, and it was great. After a few moments, we pulled away from each other. staring at each other. It all hit me then, but I felt guilt. I didn't know what to feel. or how to communicate it. Should I have asked before kissing her? I pushed her away, and a few months later, I kissed her. What am I doing? I got up quickly, not knowing what to say, and left. 

Y/n pov:

I don't know what just happened, but he left. After he kissed me, he got up and left. Nothing. I was happy but confused. A few days past, and we acted super awkwardly with each other. He was avoiding what happened. So I decided to do the same thing. I didn't want to beg him for an explanation, but I desperately wished I knew why it happened. 

Miya pov:

I haven't talked to her about it; how can I? I dropped her as my best friend, and then I kissed her? This kiss is causing her pain too. Does she even like me? or was the kiss a "in the moment" thing? She's confusing me, and I'm scared of rejection. 

Time skip ~

Y/n pov:
I'm tired of him always confusing me. I need to clear my head. I took my board and headed out. It was raining a bit, but I didn't care. I just needed to distract myself. I went down to a private spot me and Miya would skate at during the summer. I forgot my phone at home, so I truly had no distractions. 

Miya pov:

I needed to talk to you; I didn't want to leave things like this. I went over, but her mom said Y/N went out to skate. I tried calling her, but her phone rang from inside the house. I asked her mom if she knew where she went, and her mom didn't know. I tried to find her at the park, but she wasn't there. Just then, I got the idea to look for her at our spot.

Y/n  pov:

Just then the hail started coming down. Usually one should seek shelter, but I was so drowned in my emotions that I kept skating, which was a bad idea because then I was soon on the ramp, and as I was going down, a huge ice block of hail tripped me and sent me flying to the ground. I hit my head pretty hard, and the last thing I saw was Miya. 

Miya pov:

Just as I got to the spot, I saw Y/N land on the ground and fall unconscious. My heart froze, and I rushed to her. I picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to the shelter. How hard did she fall? Seeing her like this broke my heart. Why was she so reckless? She knows better. I held her in my arms, checking for any other injuries, and soon she regained her conciseness. She looked at me as her gaze softened.

Y/n pov:

"Miya," I thought I was dreaming, but it was really him. It hit me like a truck—what had happened and how, if Miya had never found me, something could have happened. "Y/n, are you ok?" he said in his sweet, caring voice. I nodded. "Why would you push yourself in these conditions?" he asked. It was time to be honest. "Miya, I just, things are tough, but I guess it's because of you.." I said the last part softly.

Miya pov :

My heart broke as I heard that. "I'm sorry," I said, but I knew I should have put her before my feelings. I felt guilt for letting my love for her hurt her. "Why did you do it, Miya?" "Be honest with me about everything," she said, begging for the truth. The truth I was finally going to give her "Y/n, you're the girl that pulled me out of the dark, the girl that saved me; you're the only one I have ever cared about this much,
It's all because I'm in love with you"

I said it all without second-guessing myself. "If you loved me so much, why did you leave me.?" I looked her in the eyes and said, "I don't want to hurt you. Look at what's happened. I'm the reason you are injured." I said. "I don't deserve you, y/n, you deserve better."
"Why couldn't you be better?" She replied, I just stared.

"Miya I have loved you since the day I met you—before I even knew what love is. "You're the only one for me, the only guy I've ever wanted, and I'll always choose you." She said frustrated.

Y/n pov :

He loves me, and for some reason I felt like I always knew that but was never sure; I was surprised but happy yet also angry. I felt so many emotions at once.  "I was scared of ruining the friendship, but hiding my feelings only made it worst I guess"
I looked at him, finally understanding, finally having the answers I so desperately wanted. Miya, who's always brave, was scared. scared of losing me. just as I was scared of losing him.  "I'm sorry to Miya; I was also arrogant because of my feelings," I said. Looking at me with forgiving eyes as he smiled and nodded.

He cupped my face and kissed me. The difference in this kiss was that it was more passionate yet gentle. A kiss full of nothing but everlasting true love We separated, and he looked at me. I remembered the day we met—the standing up for me, always being there, the fights, the best friends, the breaking apart, the first kiss. I may have turned a blind eye, but this boy is truly in love with me. Cringe I know. "Are we best friends now?" I said jokingly, and he replied with a laugh "of course, and maybe a little more." It was all truth; there is beauty in the truth, and so I believed him when he said "I'll never leave you, never again"

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