01. my prince.

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Jeon Jungkook doesn't remember much from his childhood, but he distinctively recalls the day their lives crossed paths. It was the summer holidays before he'd go into the second grade and while children in his school spent their break in Europe or Asia, as anticipated, he spent it accompanying his father for their campaign in the upcoming election. He wears a bitter expression when his father tells him, or more so, promises him that they'll go on a family trip when the campaign season is over because he knows it's a lie. That day, they were in Busan, his hometown, though with all the time he spent in the capital city, he was beginning to forget what home was. 

"Mr. Vice President," an older Korean male shakes his father's hand, "... I think the chances of you becoming President are quite high."

His father smiles at the remark, though is no stranger to it, since the opinion polls showed the same prediction. 

"All we can do is pray, it seems like a close competition," he humbly compliments before looking to the young girl beside the other man, "... this must be Roseanne?" 

The name catches his attention, and quickly, Jeon Jungkook looks up to see a slightly taller girl in front of him, small fingers wrapped around her fathers hand. She has blue bows on her black hair. 

He likes blue. 

"Yes, this is my daughter," the other man continues, "... I believe she's the same age as your son." 

"That's right," his father muses, "... I remember our pregnant wives being extra annoying having to raise children during the financial crisis."

The other man chuckles, recalling the memory before turning to his daughter, voice softer than before, "... Chaeyoung, why don't you say hi to Jungkook? He's the soon-to-be future President's son." 

Jeon Jungkook's father lets out a hearty chuckle, and he doesn't know why but his heart begins to beat fast as the young girl in front of him smiles. 

"I'm Roseanne, but in Korea I'm Chaeyoung," she smiles at him. 

Being raised as a politician's son, he would think that he would have much more grace to handle the situation, but instead, he feels frozen in time. A nudge from his father pulls him into reality, tugging him away from what probably was a spell by her beauty.

"Jungkook, they call me that in all parts of the world," he responds. 

"Why don't you two play with each other in the back garden?" The Vice President suggests, "... I'm sure they're already bored listening to political talks." 

He still remembers the way his eyes widened in shock at the feeling of slender fingertips quickly wrapped around his wrist,  tugging at him as she begins rushing to the back of the building. 

"Don't run Chaeyoung!" Her father warns her, but it's no use. 

Soon, the pair find themselves in the back garden of the Blue House. 

With the natural sunlight against her skin, he notices that she's slightly tanned. Her black hair has natural dark brown highlights, likely from the summers she spent in Australia.

"My daddy says that your daddy will definitely win the election," she comments as she sits gracefully against the swing, which somehow she had her way on because he's pushing her gently from behind, watching the way her black hair moves through the ponytail with the wind, "... are you excited?" 

He nods, and even though she can't see him, he's thankful that she doesn't see him blushing like crazy. 

"My daddy will make sure to protect everyone in the country," he boasts proudly. 

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