06. old memories.

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Jisoo Kim believes that the pair need a bit of a nudge, or more accurately, a violent push towards one another. 

It wasn't just her too who noticed the way the president's eyes would constantly wander to the other side of the table during their meetings and the way he'd requested for the air conditioning to be turned up when she commented about how she should've brought her scarf. She too believes that Park Chaeyoung has feelings for him, if not, admires him. Jisoo Kim sees the adoring eyes that watch him as he presents her speeches, as though his tone and words perfectly encapsulated the feelings the words in her speech aimed to portray, and the way she'd blush and look down whenever they'd pass by in between meetings. 

But Jisoo Kim doesn't know, especially as the head of press relations, whether a relationship is something the pair should pursue, especially considering Park Chaeyoung's martial history. 

Of course, Jisoo Kim didn't mind, but the public was not as forgiving or open-minded. 

Further, she too didn't know much about her ex-husband and every time she'd brought it up, Park Chaeyoung would simply shrug and mention how he was a "good man and there's no bad blood at all between us." For a minute she considers asking Jeon Jungkook himself to ask her, but if there was anything she learned in the months working with him, was the fact that while he was surprisingly great at running the country, he was completely useless when it came to his feelings and dating.

"We'll be going to Hawaii next week for a conference, Ms. Park please prepare a speech as soon as possible, I'll have Mr. Kim send you the brief," Jeon Jungkook's voice notes, pulling Jisoo Kim back into reality.

"Noted," Kim Seokjin acknowledges before looking at the young blonde, "... this will be your first trip outside of South Korea since joining us, right?" 

Jisoo Kim turns to see the exciting nod on her face, "... and a good destination too, I go to Hawaii often."

"Is that so?" She questions her curiously, suddenly remembering the background check and how she'd gotten married on one of the islands. 

"We'll have to go there another time together, for non-work purposes," Park Chaeyoung, a gleam of excitement notes, "... I'll show you guys around."

"Well, if the summit goes well, I have no problem with you guys staying back for a day or two," Jeon Jungkook chimes in. 

Later on, when the meeting is dismissed, Jisoo Kim decides that it's time for that small nudge.

As she passes him out the door, she whispers, "... didn't think you'd be so willing to have Chaeyoung in Hawaii on leisure, given that it's where she had her wedding and anniversaries." 

Jisoo Kim sees the horror on his face and the way his jaw clenches firmly. 

But in a professional standard, he quickly blinks and walks out. 

She knows, however, that she'd hit bull's eye and bets that by late afternoon, she'll probably get a call from Kim Seokjin with an update on his favourite couple.


Kim Seokjin watches as the president stares blankly at his desk, not noticing that he'd been standing there for the last minute. 

"Sir? Are you okay?" He intentionally clears his throat to capture the younger man's attention.

Jeon Jungkook turns around, "... did you know that Ms. Park got married in Hawaii?" 

Ah. Kim Seokjin tries his best not to laugh, but he can't help the side of his lips creeping up a small smile.

"Not specifically," he responds honestly, "... but during our background search, it seemed she travelled there yearly. It would make sense if it's for a wedding anniversary." 

His words seem to strike a chord because Jeon Jungkook leans back behind his chair, as though he were not sure about how he felt about the news.

"Should we have her stay back in Korea?" He finally suggests. 

Kim Seokjin chuckles, "... Mr. President, if you're curious... maybe you should just ask her. I'm sure she'll tell you, you guys have known each other for a while." 

Just as he was about to dismiss himself, the president calls his name.

"Mr. Park," he calls out.

"Yes, Mr. President?" He responds instinctively. 

"What should I do if she still has feelings for her ex-husband?" He questions him.

"I don't know, Mr. President. But that's a hill we can worry about if we ever get there, rather than being left in the dark and never knowing whether it's true."


Jeon Jungkook sees her waiting for him in his office with an iPad in her hand. She's sitting by the couches, eyes slightly squinted as though she were intently reading through her prepared speech time and time again. It's not until he coughs that she realises that he's here and quickly gets up and bows politely.

"Mr. President," she acknowledges him, "... I'm sorry to disturb you."

He finds it cute to see the panic on her face.

"Have you waited long?" He questions before motioning for her to sit down.

"I just got here," she responds, "... I just wanted to go over the speech for next week, if it's not too much trouble." 

He nods before taking a seat beside her but making sure to give a reasonable distance, not more than a metre as she hands him the iPad. Jeon Jungkook reaches for his glasses in his pocket, before skimming through the file. 

"It's good, but considering how it's a casual event I think the tone can be lighter," he notes, "... especially since it's in Hawaii and all. The substance is good too, but we can lessen it a bit, maybe something a light, there's no need for statistics." 

As he speaks, he watches as she frantically notes down on her iPad, taking his requests very seriously.

"Are you excited? I heard you go to Hawaii often," he tries his best to bring up casually, which must have worked because she simply murmurs as she continues writing, before stopping to look up at him.

"Hawaii is one of my favourite places, I haven't been there for a while," she informs him.

Since her divorce? 

He wants to ask but knows that he can't. 

"Did you go there a lot with family? Or friends?" 

"Ah," she pauses and chuckles to herself, "... well, it's where I got married all those years ago, so my husb— I mean ex-husband and I used to go there during our wedding anniversary."

"So you haven't been back since... you know..."

"You mean the divorce?" She lifts a brow at him, almost confused with why he couldn't be direct, "... that's right, but it's no problem. We didn't have a toxic divorce or anything, so I guess going back won't be traumatising or anything, if anything, it'll just be good memories." 

He wants to create new memories with her, not to just help her relive old ones. 

But Jeon Jungkook knows it's not his place to say.

"May I ask? Why did you two separate?" 

He doesn't know where the sudden boldness came from, and apparently, she didn't too because her eyes widen but not so much in horror as it was in surprise. 

"I mean... it's nothing dramatic, really," a lined yet almost pained smile graces her lips, "... we have a lot of love for one another, but he wanted to set me free."

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