09. see you at 6pm.

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Park Chaeyoung was exactly what he wanted when it came to being a young energy in the office. 

Once she'd properly adjusted to the role and the new environment, he'd begun to see more of her personality. 

For example, he'd seen the way her desk was decorated in baby pink (he knows because he commented on it once and she clarified that it wasn't a light pink but baby pink). He also always saw the way she'd laugh and banter with the others, even regularly hearing the sound of her bubbly laugh from metres away. 

Jeon Jungkook feels as though she'd a force that cannot be missed, an energy that brightened up the Blue House. 

She had been absent for two days after catching a cold, but even so, he saw the way Jisoo Kim video-called her between meetings, and it'll be a lie if he were to deny that he'd peaked a bit and noticed how cute she looked with her face slightly puffy and nose a slight shade of red. 

It's approaching the holidays and thus while the office is scheduled to be closed for non-emergency purposes, Park Chaeyoung has decided to run an internal fundraising gala dinner. He'd asked her why, and even now, smiles when he recalls her response.

"Good food, unlimited alcohol, shopping and all for a good cause? Isn't it perfect? Besides, if we host it internally, we don't need to worry about waivers and reporters twisting what's happened and plus, it's a necessary bonding thing!"

He recalls her excitement as she explained all her plans, handing him the proposal. 

In his mind, he'd already known she'd have her way. 

And there he was, wondering why half of his staff weren't in his office only to see that most of them were summoned to one of the grand ballrooms of the Blue House which was temporarily being used for the gala dinner. 

He sees her too, bright blonde hair messily cascading down her hair as she runs to the other side of the room to talk to some of the planners. 

"Hmmm, it's kind of cute isn't it?" 

Jeon Jungkook turns to see Jisoo Kim beside him, catching him in his moment of mesmerization.

"Hmm?" He feigns oblivion, raising a brow.

"Don't play coy," she rolls her eyes, "... you're crush. Chaeyoung. She's cute, right? She stayed overnight to help set up."

He feels bad. Had he known, he'd surely helped after the nuclear crisis meeting had ceased.

"She's going all out," he responds, ignoring the comment made by her, "... perhaps we need her on the Christmas dinner committee. On second thought, maybe not... she still hasn't done the revisions on the speech–"

"Sounds like someone's gossiping about me," a bright voice pulls him into consciousness as he turns, seeing her beside him with a playful frown across her face, "... and in my defence, I'm working on the revisions, they'll be done in time for the deadline you've given me, I'm a great multitasker."

"You know, it's such a waste that you won't let reporters in to capture this event, Chae," Jisoo Kim muses, "... as a friend, I love that you want this to be a private and intimate thing, but as the public relations head– it's a missed opportunity." 

Jeon Jungkook can't help but catch his eyes drifting from head to toe, thinking that it was cute that there was a gleam of sweat on her forehead, and baby hairs flying across her hair. Even so, she looked put together, wearing a white button up top and a pencil skirt. He notices the swollen red mark on her ankle, as she wore flats.

"Is your leg okay?" He points out. 

Park Chaeyoung sheepishly covers her face in embarrassment, "... that's so embarrassing, I'm fine. It's a bit swollen but I put it in ice this morning, I fell on the floor while wearing heels last night."

"Chaeyoung!" Jisoo Kim gasps, "... you really must be more careful."

Jeon Jungkook too feels bad, "... you've helped a lot, you should sit down and rest." 

"I'm fine, really," she insists, before turning to Jisoo Kim, changing the subject, "... fine you can take pictures and make one post about the event, after the fact only and only disclosing the total amount of money we raised."

"You're the best," Jisoo Kim cheers before excusing herself, but making sure to nudge him before she left, hinting at him that it was time to make a move. 

"Are you nervous about the event?" He questions her.

She nods, "... but I'm excited, it's for a good cause, I also saw some of the things on auction and am eyeing a few pieces. I know mum is looking for something new for the living room." 

"I should prepare my bank account too then," he quips with a smile, "... well done Chaeyoung for all of this, but please... make sure to rest your feet, or at least get it properly looked at." 

"It's okay, I probably won't wear heels tonight though..." she tells him, "... are you going with someone?" 

"Aren't we all going together? You made it a mandatory dinn–" 

"Well, even though it's an internal event you're able to bring a plus one as long as you submit the clearance form," she explains.

He wonders, whether her question had some sort of meaning.

"Are you? Bringing anyone?" He asks her in return.

She shakes her head. 

"Well, should we go together?" He asks her. 

"You want to go with me?" She almost sounds surprised.

"You'll have to tell me though what you're wearing, so we can colour coordinate, I'm not sure what you're wearing other than not heels," he smiles, "... what time should I pick you up?"


"I'll see you at 6pm."

Jeon Jungkook can't help but feel happy, noticing the way her face flushes red. 

He too is no different. As she's being called away by one of the people setting up the table, he notices the way his palms were sweaty the entire time. 

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