02. working overtime.

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"My prince."

Jeon Jungkook feels his heart flutter at two simple words, and hours later, he can still remember the teasing smile on her face as she looks at him. 

He knows she was simply being playful, yet, his heart couldn't comprehend such a thing.  

She's changed a lot since they were seven. 

Her black hair was dyed platinum blonde, her slender frame turned taller, her face slimmer and her Australian sun-kissed tanned skin had changed a lot to a silky white, almost like snow. 

Yet he recognises her by her voice which hadn't changed or the effervescent smile and energy that radiated from her like the sun. 

Despite the time that had passed, she still has a gravitational pull on her, something akin to a magician's spell.

As much as he hates to admit it, he enjoys knowing that he's had some sort of an impact, even with all the years that had passed. Even though their time was short (an afternoon running around the lawn and a networking dinner), it was impactful. Though he never mentioned it out loud, Jeon Jungkook still has her bracelet in his home and often gets it cleaned professionally when he gets his watch collection polished. 

Jeon Jungkook regrets not coming into the office earlier, because before he could even respond or make small talk, he's being ushered away by his assistant who calls an emergency meeting. 

"It was good seeing you Chaeyoung, let's catch up once you've settled into the Blue House," he promises her, wondering whether she could see the desperation in her eyes.

Sensing the presence of his assistant, she simply smiles and bows her head low, "... I'll look forward to that, Mr. President, have a good morning ahead. Thank you for the honour of working with you."

And for the rest of the morning, his mind was occupied with her.

And he hopes she doesn't have as hard of a time as he did, in his first year adapting to the role.


Park Chaeyoung knew that adjusting to her role would be challenging, but having Jisoo Kim working on the same floor as her really helped. She was the press coordinator for the president and helped keep her up to speed about her new role, primarily as a speech writer but also as a support as a policy advisor. 

"I know it's a lot to absorb," Jisoo Kim gives a supportive pat against her back, "... but I'm glad you're here, we need some young energy around here." 

Park Chaeyoung gives a tired smile as the older woman hands her a file.

"By the way, I'm sorry to ask," she begins, making Park Chaeyoung tense in nervousness, "... but are you and the President, you know... a thing?" 

"What?!" She exclaims, face turning bright red, "... no of course not, what would make you think that?"

Jisoo Kim casually shrugs, "... there was a rumour that the role would be taken by someone young, but no one told us it was someone young and gorgeous, so some of us assumed you were dating the President. Such a shame, you'd actually make a good looking couple." 

Park Chaeyoung turns her head around, making sure no one heard her. 

"It's not like that..." she responds.

"And we know your father worked under the President's father's cabinet too, so we assumed maybe you were in the same circle," she explains, "... but don't worry, Namjoon confirmed that the President didn't even look at your application when he hired you, it was based subjectively on credentials." 

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