07. outside working hours.

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Jeon Jungkook hates it.

In between diplomacy talks and juggling the conference, he barely has time to even leave the building, yet alone talk to her. It certainly didn't help too that he felt uneasy about her being in a country that reminded her so much of love (and love not for him!).

Of course, he was occupied for the most part—in between talks and networking and negotiations, but sometimes, he found himself thinking about her, wondering for her.

Because of the escalation from a few global conflicts, the conference rooms were heavily guarded, and outside of security personnel and a translator, barely anyone from his team was allowed to come.

Hence, they're back in the hotel, working hard with the limited information they can get.

But Kim Seokjin often keeps him updated, letting him know that the rest of the team are going for lunch, or taking a ten-minute rest in the pool while waiting for the conference afternoon tea time to finish.

Occasionally, he'll share a picture of them and no matter how busy he was, Jeon Jungkook found himself turning his head so fast to look at her.

Absolutely ethereal.

Even when she was dressed up (she said that business attire was uncomfortable but helped keep her motivated for long periods of time) he couldn't help but smile as he assumes, Jisoo Kim sent to his personal assistant.

But what got him the most was the time he saw a picture of her wearing a short summer dress, sitting with the other girls from his cabinet over some cocktails. A celebration for a successful conference.

While he was working on tying up loose strings, she was out with the others.

He hates to admit it too, but he knows he has some attractive bachelors in his cabinet too.

It's the last night and Jeon Jungkook is laying on the king sized bed, wondering if he should at least text her. Perhaps, he could use the excuse that the speeches she made earlier were on par with the brief?

But then again he thinks he might be overbearing to her on her last day on the island, especially since she's likely celebrating with the team.

Plus, he'd already thanked her via email when she'd sent it.

He should sleep.

Jeon Jungkook thinks that he should take a sleeping pill or something, because in the back of his mind he's thinking about all the other things she could be doing—dancing with hot strangers, remember her old vows, texting—wait?

A beep on his phone quickly pulls him into reality, and when he opens it, he sees a message, but not from her.

[From: Security]

Good evening Mr. President.

There's a guest, Ms. Park Chaeyoung who wishes to see you about last minute changes to a speech. Should we let her in?

He doesn't think twice, he quickly types "Let her in" before rushing to the bathroom, to put on a little bit of cologne and to change into a shirt and trousers.

Emerging about 3 minutes later, he goes to the living area to see her wearing an oversized jacket, which frankly, he finds odd.

"Are you cold?" He questions concerningly, quickly rushing to the air conditioner to turn it up before she quickly stopped him.

"No, no," she quickly explains, reaching for her pocket to get out two big melon buns, "... I sneaked these in for you. I know there's strict rules about what world leaders can eat overseas, but I couldn't let you go back to Seoul without trying my favourite bun. I used to bring a suitcase back everytime."

Jeon Jungkook can't help but smile, a failed cough to clear his clear joy.

She really thought of him?

To be honest, he's not the type for sweat bread, but he accepts it gladly.

"I know you're really busy and probably tired from the conference, so I can see myself out if you want to rest," she adds, getting up from the couch.

"No, no," he replies a little too quickly, "... how about the speech?"

A bright red blush spreads across her cheeks, "... just an excuse to come up here without anyone thinking I was doing something weird."

"Stay, tell me about all the fun things you did."

"Are you sure you're not tired, Mr. President—?"

"Just call me Jungkook, it's outside of work hours, Chaeyoung." 

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