017. don't pick up.

431 46 8

Jeon Jungkook told himself that he'd get some sleep in the car, especially after spending the last 24 hours in an emergency meeting with no sleep, but he finds his heart beating extremely quickly at the feeling of her head slowly falling onto his shoulder, as they sit in the backseat, on route to go to a private golf course that her father recently purchased. He wasn't really one for golf, to be honest, but when his father called him to let him know that her father had invited her to go, he quickly decided to join. 

With the hecticness of the Blue House, the pair decided to travel there together straight from the office and since she'd been tirelessly working like him, she was quick to fall asleep, soft snores coming from her mouth. Jeon Jungkook carefully turns his head, his hand gently holding onto the side of her head so that she wouldn't move too much as she slept.

After a while, his hand began to feel numb—but he didn't mind. 

It must've been around the 20 minute mark when Park Chaeyoung woke up, a horrified look on her face when she realised that she'd drooled a little on his shoulder.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Mr Pr—Jungkook," she frantically reaches for her bag and takes out wet wipes, and begins rubbing on the small stain.

"It's alright, you've worked hard," his voice was low as he smiles at her with a look of endearment, seeing her cheeks turning bright pink.

"Have you not slept? Jesus—you should rest... because the second we arrive, our fathers will be making us play for hours without rest," she warns him. 

He doesn't want to tell her that he really does want to, but he can't find a comfortable position. 

And of course—he didn't mind her leaning on him.

She must've read his mind because quickly, she rests her head back on his shoulder without care. 

But this time, her hand reaches for the side of his and pushes her head gently on top of hers. 

"Sleep, I'm telling you—not as your staff, but as your friend," her words are stern, yet he feels his heart beating at the closeness of his head on her. 

Jeon Jungkook is careful not to lean too hard, but she simply nuzzles her head closer to his shoulder before mumbling, "... just lean on me, I can handle it." 


Jeon Jungkook can't help but chuckle when the pair meet their fathers, noticing the way Park Chaeyoung is frowning—noticing that her father didn't bring her favourite gold clubs. 

"Didn't know you took golf so seriously," he jokes as he receives a bag of clubs from her father. 

She gives a shy smile but doesn't respond.

"Let me get changed, I'll meet you soon," she tells him.

Jeon Jungkook gets changed too, before waiting in the lobby. Suddenly it occurs to him that he might end up really embarrassing himself, and perhaps—he should've paid more attention all those years ago when his father dragged him along to play golf. 

His thoughts are interrupted at the sound of her voice, and the sound of her rushing to him.

"Sorry, did you wait long?" 

Jeon Jungkook turns and his face can't lie—he wouldn't be surprised if he'd gotten a nosebleed on the spot. For years, he'd been trained on maintaining a poker face, but his mouth drops slightly open and his eyes widen. 

"You okay?" She looks at him confused, a feeling of innocence in her tone.

He doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's looking—a white polo top and mini skirt that matched, her hair tied in a high ponytail. 

Jeon Jungkook, was indeed, not okay at all. 


When the game is over, the two quickly shower and get dressed and head for dinner, only to her surprise, Jeon Jungkook emerges with a guilty expression.

"What's wrong?" Park Chaeyoung raises a brow in confusion. 

"We need to go back to the Blue House, I'll order something to-go, we can eat it in the car," he informs her, "... another threat from the North." 

Park Chaeyoung nods, before turning to her father and his, giving hugs and giving her farewells. As they walk side by side to the car, with him holding a bag of takeaway in his hand, she feels surprised to see him opening the door for her. 

Usually, it had been the bodyguards or other staff. 

Not sure why she was feeling flustered, Park Chaeyoung slowly goes into the car before waiting for him. 

"Is everything okay?" She asks him.

Jeon Jungkook nods, "... should be okay, but we'll get a full briefing as soon as we arrive." 

A part of her felt worried, knowing how bad the threats were. Meanwhile, Jeon Jungkook beside her was cool and calm.

He simply opened the bags and started taking out the utensils, taking out portions that he'd assumed were for himself.

Only, he hands it to her. 

"Eat first, worrying won't help anyone. We'll know as soon as we get there," he tells her.

Park Chaeyoung won't admit it out loud, but her heart flutters a bit.

Or maybe a lot.

Even more, than it did for her ex-husband. 

When they finish eating, the pair start cleaning up, putting all the rubbish aside.

She likes it, the way he was so well-mannered. 

"How can you be so calm?" She asks him curiously.

Jeon Jungkook gives a half smile, before joking,  "... well, I gotta act brave in front of the pretty lady." 

She lets out a soft giggle, rolling her eyes, "... well it's working."

"Did you have fun today?" He asks her curiously. 

She nods, "... it's been a while since I played, and I'm glad you came. Playing with your father and my father alone—no offence sounds like torture."

He returns a chuckle, "... I'm glad, even though I'm embarrassed at how good you are in comparison to me." 

The way he speaks to her makes her feel a certain way, and Park Chaeyoung doesn't know how to describe it. It certainly didn't help that her dreams of him weren't stopping.

Suddenly, the car comes to a stop, causing her body to swing a little, hitting him.

He leans in and holds her by the side of her arm, "... you okay?"

Park Chaeyoung doesn't realise she's holding her breath until she's looking into his eyes, and then his lips.

"Y—yeah, just surprised," she manages to whisper after finding the courage to breathe out.

"You look pretty today," he tells her, causing for her to turn bright red as her eyes widened in shock.


Somehow, it's like her body is moving on its own accord as she leans in, feeling her eyes close. 

Park Chaeyoung can feel the heat of his lips coming closer, his hand reaching for the back of her head before———her phone rings.

Yanking herself back, she quickly looks at her bag and reaches for her wallet, seeing the caller ID.

Park Chanyeol.

She doesn't know why, but she turns to look at him.

"Let me ju—" she begins to speak.

"Don't pick up," his voice is slow as he takes her hand and squeezes it, "... please, just this once."

And she wonders what this all means.

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