011. real power.

449 48 12

There is an emergency meeting set in his office, with heads of almost every department. 

Jisoo Kim is running the meeting, but the chaos is making it difficult to maintain order. 

"Please, one at a time," Jeon Jungkook sighs, taking a deep breath as he hears multiple people speaking over each other. 

It was barely 7am in the morning (mostly public relations had to come in early due to the crisis) but he was already getting a migraine.

"We propose you make a statement," one of the staffers suggests, "... if you don't, we propose you fire her."

"What?!" Jisoo Kim chimes in, hands heavy hitting the table as she gets up, "... that's ridiculous, it'll look more suspicious. Plus, she didn't do anything wrong, we'll be under fire for unlawful termination."

Jennie Kim, one of the younger staffers from legal nods, "... true. Rather, we should focus on prosecuting the false statements, since it's damaging our cabinet's reputation."

"Have we found out who the leak is? It was a fully private event," Jeon Jungkook asks.

"Not important right now," Jisoo Kim interrupts, "... what's important is that we stop the media from finding out about her past, especially her marital status. It won't look good, for both of you. She'll be the seductress who slept her way into politics and you'll be the incapable leader. You know how it goes." 

Jeon Jungkook really, really, has a headache. 

"We'll make a statement denying it, and explain the situation. Really... she'd just fallen down and I helped her, we weren't even holding hands it's just the angle," he explains. 

"Get her to write the statement as soon as she comes into the office, we need it posted before the morning rush because that's when all media will begin reporting on it," Jisoo Kim makes the final statement which everyone agrees on. 

"But—" just as someone was about to interrupt, the door opens to one of the security guards.

And Park Chaeyoung.

She looks at them with wide eyes, "... I'm sorry but apparently I'm needed...?"


Jeon Jungkook hates the fact that he can feel his heart flutter, the sides of his lips forming into a smile.

Jisoo Kim isn't, though.

"Chaeyoung, you're in big trouble," she warns. 

The blonde looks around in confusion, seeing how everyone was pretty much glaring at her (as they did at him).

He feels bad.

A part of him wanted to hug her and let her know that it'll be okay.

"Wh— what happened?" She asks, so softly that he really does regret having her join. 

He thinks that she truly was like fire, but that inside, she was as soft as cotton.

Kim Jisoo takes out the iPad and shows her the article, "... more will be posted before the morning rush at 10AM, and it won't look good when they find out about your past and the fact that you've only recently joined."

Jeon Jungkook expects her to panic, but instead, she hands the device back before calmly reaching for her phone. 

"Please give me a moment," she tells them, in a straightforward manner before taking a step outside. 

Jisoo Kim turns to him in confusion, as though she really couldn't believe it. 

"Okay everyone, just calm down. I'll talk to her and have her write a statement," he tries to alleviate the tension before bowing, "... I'm sorry for all the trouble. It's all a misunderstanding."

Just as everyone was getting out of their seats, she returns.

"It's been sorted," she comments, "... Jisoo-unnie, you should've told me earlier. I'm sorry for all the trouble." 

Park Chaeyoung turns to everyone else that gathered and apologised too, bowing. 

Jisoo Kim wishes to swear, but soon she sees her tablet and notices that the article was gone. 

"We still don't know if the other outlets will pick up on it," she comments.

"They won't," Park Chaeyoung responds with certainty, "... it's been sorted. I'll explain over coffee? It's still— 7:23AM, the official work hour doesn't start till 8AM."

Jeon Jungkook doesn't know how she did it, but she was right. 

Not once had her name been mentioned in the media. 

No statement nor speech was needed.

Soon, they find out that the one who leaked and sold the story was someone from Jisoo Kim's team.


At around 3PM, he gets a knock in his office.

His security informs him that it's Park Chaeyoung.

Even though he promised himself to get over her, he finds himself quickly rushing to the bathroom and spraying a bit of cologne and fixing his tie. 

She comes quietly, taking a seat on the couches beside his table. Even then, he can't help it as his eyes linger on her from head to toe. She had her hair in a neat ponytail and was still, wearing flats rather than heels. The height difference was so evident when she wasn't wearing her usual heels, after all. He follows, sitting across from her, making sure to keep his distance. 

"I'd like to apologise for the trouble I caused you and the office this morning," she tells him, "... I know Jisoo was really upset too."

"Are things okay between you two? I know you were close," he can't help but worry, knowing that the pair were as inseparable as he and Kim Seokjin.

She nods, a nervous laugh departing from her lips, "... everything's negotiable after lunch. We're good, she apologised too— though, I don't blame her, I would've reacted the same way." 

He nods, "... true friends can't be angry at each other for long."

She smiles, "... and thank you too, for last night for taking care of me when I tripped and— I want to say sorry, I could tell that I made things awkward by oversharing, I'll be more mindful about our professional boundaries, Mr President."

He hated it.

Jeon Jungkook doesn't want it, and hearing her address him properly reminds him of the gap that he'd put between him. 

But he knows too, that he needs to guard his heart. 

"It's not your fault, and you're free to overshare," it's like his mouth has a mind of its own, "... I'm here to listen at any time." 

Park Chaeyoung simply smiles before getting up, "... well, I want to look at some policy briefs with the team so I'll dismiss myself now. Thank you, Mr President for your time." 

She does a polite bow.

"Ms Park," he can't help but ask, "... what did you do? How did you sort it out?"

Though deep down he knows. 

"Ah," she sheepishly scrunched her face into a partial wince, somewhat embarrassed, "... I called him, my ex-husband. His family had it sorted, they have a lot of influence over the Korean media. Don't worry, nothing will be posted about what happened will be posted, I promise." 

Jeon Jungkook thinks that perhaps, that's the true extent of real power.

And then there was him, nothing but powerless.


(⋟﹏⋞) ok but why is this ship not sailing someone explain (⋟﹏⋞)

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