014. dinner plans.

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Jeon Jungkook is in a good mood, especially after the previous night at her house.

Although he ended up staying later than anticipated and had to drag his heavy and drunk father into the car, he felt butterflies in his stomach at every small interaction between the two. Luckily his security team were there to help. While their fathers were on the balcony drinking beer and talking a little too loud, she showed him around her home— her favourite paintings, drum kit and the small spare room she'd turn into a mini library. Jeon Jungkook felt as though he was getting a deeper look into her heart and they were getting closer with every step. At one point, the pair shared some gelato as they sat on the living room floor, talking a little bit about work and more about travel. 

He realises that if there was anything he'd regretted about his political career, it would be that he was always in South Korea alone, and now, whenever he travelled, it was purely for business and with security that'll never let him out unless absolutely necessary. She told him about how she travelled through South East Asia and all the islands she'd visited before moving to Seoul and how much it really broadened her perception of life. 

He finds her so appealing, not just physically but emotionally— he feels as though he can really relate to her. 

Kim Seokjin notices his good mood but decides not to tease him because the office is going through a lot after threats from the North. But he notices how Park Chaeyoung passes by his office and lets her know that she's going to the cafeteria with Jisoo Kim, and suddenly, Jeon Jungkook tells her that he was planning on having lunch too.

But just like the previous time, it almost seemed as though he was third wheeling them. Jisoo Kim nudges him from under the table before giving him a stare, before excusing herself to do work. He gets the hint and excuses himself too. 

Ahh, a political powerhouse couple is in the making. 

As the two walk back to the office, Jisoo Kim looks at him and smiles.

"Did you notice that Chaeyoung was wearing makeup today?" She said excitedly, "... I heard from her that last night they'd apparently had dinner with their fathers too. It must've gone well."

Kim Seokjin gasps in surprise, "... no wonder, he commented to me when she passed by that she looked prettier than usual."

"I passed by her in the bathroom and she was actively checking her outfit the entire time and then touching up on her makeup," Jisoo Kim confirms, "... I think the dinner went well." 


Jeon Jungkook gets news that he has a new schedule in Spain. 

Instantly, he thinks about Park Chaeyoung and the way she told him about her travels there and how Spanish was one of the few languages out of the many she knew that she felt she was actually fluent in. He doesn't hesitate to pass by her office, seeing her packing her bags as he assumes, is planning on finishing her work day.

"Mr. President, to what do I owe the pleasure?" She has a bright and charismatic smile on her face as she puts her laptop in her bag.

"May I come in?" He asks her, "... are you headed home? Usually, you stay back quite a bit— not that I'm saying you have to, in fact, I'm glad that you're actually leaving when you're meant to."

Park Chaeyoung lets out a soft chuckle, her cheeks turning pink, "... I have dinner plans tonight so I figured I should be on time."

"Ah, so that's why you did your hair differently," he comments, somewhat feeling embarrassed the minute the words departed from his lips as he realised that she might've interpreted it the wrong way.

"Ah, Jisoo keeps teasing me about it too," she scrunched her face, "... so what's going on?"

"We're going to Spain next week," he informs her, "... and I wanted to know whether you'd like to come within the capacity as a translator, as well as a speech writer. I remember you boasting about your Spanish."

"I would love that!" She gasps in excitement, "... but are you sure that I'm qualified? I may not know complicated political jargon." 

"It's just a brief appearance for the opening of another embassy," he informs her, "... I'll clear your schedule then." 

Jeon Jungkook takes a moment to look at her, thinking about how much he really wants the opportunity to take her out on a date— one date, he promises he'd treat her right. 

Park Chaeyoung on the other hand reaches for her phone, a text taking her attention. 

"I think I should get going now, thank you for the opportunity," she sheepishly smiles, looking to the clock to see that it was officially past five and that they were off the books, "... Jungkook."

He likes it.

Jeon Jungkook likes the way his name falls from her lips and her playfulness too. 

He really likes her.

"Well, let me walk you to the elevator," he insists which she politely agrees.

He can't help but feel as though they're walking together like a couple, side by side. She smells like vanilla and brown sugar, and even in silence, it doesn't feel uncomfortable at all. 

When they get to the elevator, he asks her in passing, "... who are you meeting with anyway? Anyone I know?"

Perhaps it was someone from the office, he knew that Jisoo Kim and her often ate together at night.

"Chanyeol, he's in town—my ex-husband. I wanted to say thanks too, for how he helped with the photo situation, and it just so happens that he's in South Korea for this month."


Next, we'll finally hear from Chaeyoung's perspective ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ Feeling kind of nervous >.<


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