💜 🥀Someone Noticed🥀💜

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Hitoshi Shinsou x Shoto Todoroki

⚠️ TW: mentions of abuse and cutting ig⚠️
shinsou is now in 1A bc nobody likes mineta
im not gonna spoil the one shot so yuh
also thoughts are in cursive

Todoroki's POV

My head was pounding, blood was seeping through my shirt, I couldn't see anything. I stayed on the floor of the training room, trying to collect myself. It had been one of those 'training' sessions, this time he had gone way further. I heard footsteps running towards me, a familiar white haired girl. "Shoto!" She called out, before kneeling down beside me, opening what seemed like a med kit.

Everything went black.

Next thing I know I'm in my bedroom, bandages everywhere on my aching body. It was most likely Fuyumi who bandages me, she always did. Ever since Natsuo left, Fuyumi was left to take care of me whenever Endeavour would 'train' me. I grabbed my phone, checking the time. 19:27, I need to get to the dorms before curfew.

I put on my uniform, before heading out. It was quite cold and dark outside, snow covering the streets. After 30 minutes of walking, I found myself at the gate of the dorms. I walked in, expecting it to be empty as most people would be in their rooms at this time and studying. Seems like I was wrong.

A pair of purple eyes met mine. "What're you doing, coming back only a minute before curfew?" He asked. I could see him eyeing the bruises on my face and the burns on my hands. Fuck, I should've covered those up. "It doesn't matter to you." I responded with my casual monotone voice.

"Then why do you have so many bruises and burns? I know it's not training." He walked over to me, grabbing my hands and holding them up to my face, as a way to show me the burns. How am I supposed to respond, 'oh yeah Endeavour has been abusing me since the day I came out of the womb'?? I stood there, silent.

"Look, pretty much the entire class knows. I didn't want to tell you this but they might have snooped through your phone" He's joking. It's a joke, right? They wouldn't do that, they're not like that! My eyes widened as I stared at him, tears threatening to fall. He pulled me in for a hug.

"It's okay, Im right here." I tried my best not to break down, thinking he'd be weirded out. "You don't need to hold it in anymore, it's okay" With that the tears flowed down. I hugged him tightly, not wanting to ever let go. The feeling of his muscular arms around me, it felt so comforting.

We stayed like that for about 5 minutes, before he let go. "You can tell me anything you'd like, I won't push you." I nodded and we sat down on the couch. I spilled everything, absolutely everything. It felt good, having someone listen and comfort you.

Then there came one part I was hesitant about. You see, the way I cope with Endeavour's abuse is self harm. My thighs, arms and stomach were the places I'd cut. "I-..uhm," I couldn't bring myself to say it. "It's okay if you don't want to say it, once again I won't push you to do anything you don't want to."

After a few hours, I fell asleep. Mostly because I had been crying a lot but also because of Shinsou. The way he made me feel so calm and loved.

I'm glad he was the one that noticed.

grr this was short but again these will be short.

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