🪨🌸Found you🌸🪨

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Eijiro Kirishima x Shoto Todoroki

kiritodo again because yes
AU: Basically whatever your soulmate writes on their arm, shows up on yours.
Plot: Todoroki is really forgetful and ends up writing down his plans and Kirishima's decides to use that to find his soulmate.

Todoroki's POV

I stared out the window, admiring the city. The lesson wasn't that interesting, English wasn't my favourite subject. I have a feeling that I'm supposed to remember something. Aha! The mall, I need to buy new clothes. I quickly wrote it down on my arm so I wouldn't forget.

I turned back to my notebook, trying to focus on the lesson. The remaining 20 minutes went by pretty quickly and after the bell rang, everyone stormed out of the classroom, to the cafeteria. I usually ate by myself in the school bathroom, sitting alone in the cafeteria is just embarrassing.

As I made my way towards the bathrooms, I continuously checked that I had written my little shopping appointment on my arm. When I finally came to the bathrooms, I went to 'my' stall, which is the one the furthest to the left.

I sat down on the floor and took out a little bag of pastries. I've always enjoyed eating pastries and baking them. I had bought some sweet chocolate buns from my favourite bakery before school, I always do so.

Usually I'd buy 3 of them, but today I bought only 2 since we end school a little bit earlier than usual. I sat there and thought for a while. What a loser, sitting alone in the bathrooms. Man, I really need some friends. I shook my head, opening the bag of pastries. As the sweet smell of chocolate escaped the bag, my eyes closed in delight.

After an hour, the bell rang, which meant the end of lunch and the beginning of the lesson. I quickly packed my stuff and hurried to my classroom. I sat down at my seat, which is next to Kirishima. Of course the entire bakusquad was around his desk. Not to be rude but they are without doubt the most noisy group in this class.

I opened my maths book and flipped to the page that was already written on the board. We were doing some repetition so I went through the tasks pretty quickly. After about 2 hours of math, the bell finally rung and school was over. I packed my bags and stormed to my dorm. I threw my bag on the floor and got dressed.

(this is what he put on |  )

I went downstairs and exited the dorm building, making my way to the mall

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I went downstairs and exited the dorm building, making my way to the mall.

Kirishima's POV

As I changed in my dorm, I noticed something on my arm. Local mall H&M, 15:00? Maybe this was a sign from my soulmate, telling me to find them. I put on some clothes, hurrying down to the local mall.

(This is what he was wearing |  )

(This is what he was wearing |  )                                                     V

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As I made my way into the H&M, I noticed that there weren't many people inside. I quickly wrote 'Found ya' on my arm to see who would turn their heads.

Todoroki's POV

I looked at the clothes, when I felt something on my arm. I rolled up my sleeve only to see some text on my arm. My soulmate! They wrote 'found ya', that means they're here! I swiftly turned around, only to lock eyes with a familiar red head.

Eijiro Kirishima.

lol ima end it here bc i feel like I need to get this chapter out but I don't know how to end it

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