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Eijiro Kirishima x Shoto Todoroki

⚠️TW: attempted suicide kinda⚠️

basically Todoroki is sitting on the rooftop contemplating whether to jump or not and manly boy finds him

thoughts are in cursive

Todoroki's POV

It was chilly outside, the wind was blowing through my white and red hair. My legs were dangling off of the edge. I looked down at the ground, I was extremely high up. More specifically, on the UA dorm rooftop. It would be selfish of me to just run away from my problems and die. I can't leave Fuyumi alone, or else she'll end up on the same path as me. I closed my eyes, trying to come to a final answer.

Tears flowed down my cheeks. Why is it so difficult? Why couldn't I be blessed with a normal life, why did I have to live like this? I leaned further towards the edge. At this point my hair was completely messed up, I was messed up. White and red strands were mixing, my bangs were messy.

At this point, I couldn't care less. I was about to die, why care about how I look? A door opened, fuck. Someone was here. Oh well, I guess they're gonna have to witness me dying. "Todobro!" A familiar voice called out. "Hey! Be careful, you could fall off!" I hope I do. He ran over to me. "Are you okay?" He brought me away from the edge.

I refused to look at him, mentally cursing at myself for staying silent. "Kirishima, don't bother." I muttered. "hey, look at me! What's wrong?" He brought my face up with his hands, worry in his eyes. "hey, don't cry! I'm right here, okay?" He pulled me in for a hug.

That was it. I broke down, sobbing quietly while hugging the red haired male tightly. "it's okay, don't cry!" He pulled away, looking into my eyes. "What happened? I mean, if you don't want to tell me that's fine-" We stayed silent for a minute, before I decided to speak up.

"It's..a long story" I quietly replied. "I see, do you want to go to my dorm and talk about it?" He's probably doing this out of pity. I didn't realize how long I had stayed silent while he waited for a reply. Snapping back to reality, I quickly nodded. He took hand, helping me up and leading me to his dorm.

time skip, Todoroki has told everything about his past to kirishima

"Oh..I see" His eyes were wide open. He thinks I'm a freak because of my past. We were sitting next to each other on his bed, my head leaning on his shoulder with my legs across his lap. "I'm here for you, okay? I'll always be here, I promise." He whispered into my ear. That feeling, knowing that someone really is here for you.

It felt so calming, so good. If it wasn't for him, I would've been dead by now. I don't deserve him, I should've died. It was late at night, both of us had fallen asleep. This was the first time I had gotten sleep in 3 days, probably because of Kirishima. I just felt this kind of comfort earlier, when he hugged me. I felt safe.

Hours passed by, and soon birds were chirping and the sun was shining into his room. "Todoroki.." He whispered soothingly in my ear. "Todoroki..It's time to get up" He repeated. "oh, I'm so sorry.!-" I apologized, quickly being cut off by a finger on my lips. "Don't apologize, please." He cupped my cheeks(🤨📸) with his hands. "I don't want you to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong!"

With a slight pout, we got on with our day. Getting dressed, etc. Kirishima stayed by my side the entire day, earning us both some looks and questions. Man this class was annoying, especially that angry pom pom. I bet he cries to his mother when someone hurts his feelings, pathetic.

The day went by pretty fast and it may have been the only day I was actually happy going to school.

All because of that one redhead.

i couldn't come up with an ending

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