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Hanta Sero x Shoto Todoroki

I couldn't find an emoji to represent Hanta so i just went with the emo one😍
Plot: cabbage head is cheating on icythot with poor brunette, no more spoiling.

Todoroki's POV

It was supposed to be a dare, nothing else. Right? He wouldn't actually cheat on me, he loves me way too much to do that. I sat in my room, curled up in my bed. Tears streamed down my face, while my eyes were shut. He loves me, he would never cheat on me.

What a joke.

He was just using me, he just needed me to tell him everything about my past so he could announce it to the entire class behind my back. I should've known better, I should've known that he never really loved me. I don't have anyone to blame but myself, it's my fault that this happened.

-Earlier that day-

I entered the dorm building, confused as why the entire class was in the common room. I shook my head and walked to the elevator, my name suddenly being called. I raised my head, looking at the class' direction. "Todoroki!" Momo ran towards me with her arms wide open, hugging me.

I looked at her, slightly confused at the sudden affection. "Please, if you're ever going through anything difficult, tell us! We're all here for you, Todoroki." My eyes shot directly to Izuku. He's the only one that knows.

A grin was plastered on his face, that bastard! He told absolutely everyone about the things he promised me would stay between us! "Yaoyorozu is right, Sho. You can tell us anything." Bitch.

-Present Time-

I haven't attended class for about 3 days. I don't think I can come back, the humiliation is too much. Everyone knows now, it's no secret. I've been spammed with text messages like 'hope ur doing good<3' and 'if u ever need to talk im here for u'. Only because one specific grass headed bastard decided to spill my secrets.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen, only to see Deku cuddling with Uraraka. Get a room, seriously. I walked past them, into the kitchen and grabbing two packs of cup noodles. I cooked them both and brought them to my room, occasionally inhaling the spicy smell.

On my way to my dorm, I bumped into a familiar dark haired boy. "Todoroki! I haven't seen you in days, what's going on?" He exclaimed. "Nothing is going on." I blankly replied, excusing myself and attempting to walk away only to be dragged back.

"Hey, I know what Midoriya did was absolutely unacceptable, but I really do care." He looked into my hetero(❌)chromatic eyes. He brought me to his dorm, sitting me down on his bed. I finally broke down, earning an immediate hug from him.

"Hey, I'm here, okay? I'm not gonna go anywhere, I'm right here." I felt soft strokes on my head, this sense of comfort felt so new but good. We stayed like that for a while, me silently crying and him holding me close, occasionally whispering sweet and comforting words.

After a comfortable 10 minutes, he decided to break the silence. "Do you want to tell me what happened? I won't pressure you, okay? It's your choice!" I felt a bit guilty, I didn't really want to bother him with my problems. Then again, he had been so nice to me that he would probably be disappointed and hate me if I didn't tell him.

"It was Deku. He got me to tell him everything about my trauma, a-and then he told the entire class about it.." I muttered quietly. "That's really messed up! If you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, I'm always here, okay? I won't leave you."

I felt like crying again. No one had ever told me that.

"Because I love you."

Idk how to end this

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