Author's Note

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This is not what you think it is. And it isn't about me. Since I'm not musically inclined like Taylor Swift, I start write stories. But it still not about me.

The Love Diaries is a baby project. It shows a lot of emotional and mental aspect of the character on her changes in life. I always find it interesting seeing this phase with people closest to me, whether I was in elementary, high school, and even in college. It doesn't change.

Falling in love, being with friends and family, it is a story itself waiting to be written. I wanted to write something a little realistic and might be relatable but also entertaining. It's not like I don't find pleasure with my other works, but I wanted to do something less formal and a little bit personal.

So I found inspiration when I tried - and failed - clearing our some things in my room and found my diary. I almost forgotten about it. And that is how it all started. I don't even want to read what was inside. The idea itself is fine.

The story is short and would run for the whole month to celebrate the month of love.

Updates will be daily.


'Love Diaries' Copyright © 2016 Mel Ryle. All rights reserved.

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Disclaimer. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters appearing in this work are a work of fiction.

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