Entry 14: Kiss

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Soft and warm like smoores, that was how I describe his lips on our first kiss. And the ambiance wasn't what I call romantic. We were sitting inside his car that was parked outside my house. In a cliche manner, as I take off my seat belt, he helped me before leaning in for the kiss.

My reaction helped get us pull out of the awkward after effect. I laughed, really laughed, like someone had told me the joke of the century. At first, he was surprised with my reaction. What normal person wouldn't? But what made the moment more sweeter, he pointed our the reason why I laughed.

"I was smooth, wasn't I?" My heart softened at his words. The feeling had me questioned myself. Had I finally fallen in love?

Yes. No. Not yet. Though the moment felt sweet, it wasn't really the kind of love I was expecting to feel. While on the topic, what does falling in love feel anyway?

Happy hearts day everyone! Have a lovely day.

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