Entry 17: Boyfriend

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The time when you made a decision, especially one that can't be taken back, you have to weight if the option is best. But then what choice do you have when you were caught in an unexpected situation and you had no choice but to make a rash decision. That was how I introduced him to my parents.

My mother was aware of him a few weeks after we started dating. It was around that time he started driving me to and from school. My father was oblivious on this since he'd always get to work early and got back late. So how I got to finally give them the overly expired introduction, it was because I sprained my ankled during P.E. and on that day my father took the half day off - for some unknown reason.

Seeing their beloved daughter carried by a teenage boy inside the house, it would give you a shock. Especially when that said boy suddenly gave an unconscious kiss on your forehead in front of his girlfriend's parents. Here's how the conversation went from that point:

"Are you the boy picking up and driving my daughter back from school?" my mother's subtle question after a brief silence.

"Yes. Ma'am. I apologise from not introducing myself earlier." He replied like kissing me hadn't happened.

"What is your relation with my daughter?" My father's unnerving question.

And then there was a brief silence after he started fidgeting. To make the dread situation end as my sprained leg had started to ache, I had to end it. For all of our sake.

"He's my boyfriend, mom, dad! Now, can someone help me up to my room? The painkiller isn't working anymore!"

And after that, no one bothered to grill him more questions. Talk about the most unusual introduction. Nothing could top it off until I met his parents.

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