Chapter Nineteen

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After my aunts confession about a secret Isaac doesn't even knows he has, I spend the next couple of days trying to pinpoint it. If he's an alphas child then people should have been able to tell in some form or another. Especially in the beta and alpha schools. My wolf never truly picked up on it and that itself is alarming. She's always been good at spotting upper ranked wolves, our lives depended on it.

Then again we did miss that on Wen and Vic, but Vic runt status is what threw me off there. I could use the excuse of being under the influence of Alpha blood but that should have made me more keen. Between that, watching Ghost, and the brief lessons David so kindly and randomly bestows upon me I've been busy. "So how did I die?"

I look up from my book seeing Ghost sit in the chair beside me. Archer looks up from his own papers giving the prisoner a baffled look as well. "Uh, well, someone ripped your heart out of your chest."

"But why?"

"I didn't get the chance to ask, I was a bit more concerned with the gaping hole of where your heart should've been."


A low growl from Archer cuts him off. "I only let you out to ease Reagans mind. I can just as easily put you back."

"Is that a way to treat your brother?"

Archer goes to reach forward but I quickly move in front of Ghost. "Now Alpha don't go losing your temper over some rouge," I say making Ghost laugh.

"Yeah Arch, don't go losing your temp-ow!" He cries holding his hand to his chest. He looks to me with puppy eyes as if my little slap to his hand actually hurt.

"Stop provoking him," I warn pointing at him. He holds his hands up in surrender.

  When Archer sits back do is when I do. "Speaking of provoking, why have you closed off your mindlink?"Archer asks.

  I raise a brow, "mine doesn't always work since I'm a runt."

"Reagan," Ghost says putting a hand on my knee, "Wen never told you but that's not actually a thing."

"I can't close off a mindlink, it doesn't always work for runts just ask Vic, besides were you trying to snoop through my mind?" I accuse.

  Archer shakes his head. "Ghost is right, it'a not a thing runts can do and it's not broken it's blocked. I occasionally like to check in on you when I'm not with you, it's nothing weird."

"It's kinda weird," Ghost shoots back. Archer narrows his eyes at him again.

"But-" I cut myself off. I sink back in my seat feeling bitter. Once again my mother lied to me. It shouldn't be surprising at this point. Between her and Irwin I should probably make a list and have Archer look over it to tell me what's real or not. David could-David. "It has to do with the thing David said doesn't it? About what Irwin was trying to hide?"

"You would be correct."

"Because only a Luna or an Alpha can purposely block a mindlink." I put my hands over my face feeling stupid once again. Every day it seem like there's something I looked over. Before any of us can go more into detail or question about my touch and go on my abilities as this "true born" Luna there's a knock on the door.

"You can enter."

The gamma opens the door showing Isaac. "Alpha Manny is almost here but some vampires are lining the boarders so they cannot cross. He seeks assistance," Isaac says rather professionally. Since the moment I've met Isaac he's been laid back, funny but now he seems weighed down.

He stands with his feet shoulder length apart, his hands are laced together at his belt. His green eyes a bit more dim. Alpha?

Archer doesn't acknowledge me, but rather stands as well. "Take Ghost back to my house. My mother will watch him. Reagan, Isaac with me," he orders. "Do you sense anyone on our lands?" He asks as he rounds the table to me.

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