Chapter Six

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As I walk into the kitchen I hear Alpha flop onto the couch with a sigh. I start to absent-mindedly make me my, as Vic and Shell call it, abomination sandwich. I personally don't see what is so wrong with it. It's just ham, turkey, lettuce, and tomatoes with dill pickle chips crushed in it. It was only yesterday that Alpha found out the truth about Wen. He never said what he did after he left the office nor has he asked any more questions about it.

By the time my mind has caught up with my body I am sitting on the floor by the Alphas feet, my food and drink on the coffee table before me. I see the Alpha sit up before leaning down towards me. What is he doing?

  He grabs the sandwich taking the largest bite I've ever seen out of it, making me drop my jaw in shock. I stare at his tan, smooth face as his cheeks slowly flatten out after he swallows what was supposed to be my food. He then grabs the cup and takes a large swing of the soda before moving back to the sandwich with a moan. "How'd you know about the abomination sandwich?" He asks through a mouthful. If it wasn't for my experience of his little brother doing the same habit I probably wouldn't have known what he said.

"Because it is my sandwich. That was my sandwich," I reply, my second sentence had a whine to it.

"No, because I made these for my siblings when I would babysit only for them to cry and make me make something else," he replies making me frown as he takes another bite. I push myself off the floor before grabbing the now empty cup. I pause in the entranceway and frown at my Alpha.

"I have always made that specific sandwich since I can remember," I groan before heading into the kitchen. I make myself a new plate of food before refilling his cup and getting me a new one. Once I return he gives me a bright smile, showing off his pearly white teeth.

"Thank you Reagan," he says while looking me in the eyes. I drop my gaze feeling a blush appear on my face. I take my original place by his feet making him chuckle. "You can sit beside me."

"Oh, I'm not allowed to," I mutter feeling my stomach drop. "My father wouldn't permit that."

Archer is quiet for a moment before he slips on the floor beside me. When I look over to him he is acting as nothing has happened. "Your father sounds like an ass," he mutters before taking another bite. If he only knew how much my father was an ass.

"I'm a runt. My entire existence is a mistake and he just wants me to be realistic about my position," I resight. My parents have constantly drilled into me about where my place in the food chain is which is basically trash. Well, trash with a purpose."If it wasn't for my tracking position I would probably live at home as the help."

"And you don't live with your parents even though you are only seventeen? Where the hell do you live?"

"About a thirty-minute wolf run from the packhouse in a little cottage."

"You mean that little rundown thing near the pond that's completely away from the pack?" I eye the Alpha oddly. How the hell did he know exactly what house I was talking about? He glances at me, his food, then back at me before smiling at me. "I run past that place on my runs."

"It was my family's cottage for when they want to complete the mating ritual but it was too out of date for my mother. It was Declan's idea, I think he just thought it would be better for me to be away," I explain to him. The need for my Alphas approval has been increasingly strong the longer I am around him.

"I'm sure you've turned it into a lovely home," he finally says, turning his amber gaze from me. Once we finish off our food he quickly grabs the dishes and takes off. I frown while following him into the kitchen.

"I can wash those."

"So can I," he retorts. I make my way over to him but he refuses to let me grab any of the dishes to load into their dishwasher. "I have something I need to retrieve from my office."

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