Chapter Eight

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I push my wolf to run faster while enjoying the feeling of the wind in my fur. Others from our pack have joined us and Alpha is leading us in the wrong direction. Given it would do just fine but its not the quickest route. I fly past the others while coming up beside the Alpha. I nudge my wolf into his making him turn and turn on our link.

What are you doing?

This way is quicker, I reply as I take off. He catches up to me rather quickly but I fail to realize that we've both lost the warriors that were with us. We stumble upon a group of five wolves circled around a smaller one. Without thought, I jump on the one closest to me and aiming for the neck. Once it's in my mouth I glance to Alpha Archer who is guarding the smaller wolf and giving me a reassuring nod so I bite down, killing the wolf. I back up to sit in front of Alpha Archer while growling at the wolves. I can hear Alpha shift back and stand behind me.

"I would give up now, while you have the chance," Alpha warns in a low threatening tone. I can feel the hairs on my back stand up from wanting to do as he says but I know he isn't speaking to me. One of the wolves shift into his human form, showing a tall, authoritative man with long black hair.

"Or you'll sick your Runt on us? Let us take our packmember back to our Alpha," he coyly replies. He seems way too confidant to be smarting off to an Alpha. He must be a Gamma or Beta with how he holds himself. My wolf feels slightly uncomfortable with the idea of fighting a Beta but she understands we must do anything to protect our Alpha. Even if it means dying again.

"My Runt could run laps around you boy, and you better start showing some respect," Alpha growls out sending a wave of pride through me. I can feel my wolf straighten herself to prove that we are worthy of the complement our Alpha just gave us. The three wolves behind him give me a snarl at my sudden movement which I return a warning growl while standing up. Alpha lays his hand on my back like he's petting me. My wolf seems to calm down with the kind gesture. I'll never admit it out loud but I love being petted.

"Just stay out of our business-"

"This is my land so it makes this my business," Alpha snaps, his fingers clutching onto my fur.

"You don't have any-"

"I said this is my land and you will respect that," Alpha commands. I feel my ears flatten down as I want to move away but can't due to his hold on my fur. I settle for sitting down as the three wolves whine and lay on their stomachs in submission. "I am Alpha Archer and whoever you serve under will come to my lands to retrieve you and your men after we have had a long discussion about your disrespect for pack lines and the chain of command. Am I clear?"

"Yes Alpha," he grits out through his teeth with his head bowed. By now our warriors have slowly started to surround us. A little too late in my opinion.

"And your name is?"

"I am Beta Isaac of the Magnolia Pack." One of the warriors joins us in his human form with a duffle bag filled with robes. Alpha grabs one to put on before grabbing two more.

"Shift back," he whispers. I lay down on my stomach and let the shift start and Alpha wraps one of the robs over me before anyone can see anything. I slip it fully on and tie it while sitting back on my legs Alpha offers me his hand which I take to help me stand. The Beta watches our every move in fascination. "Help her," he mutters while holding the other robe to me.

  I nod while keeping my head down. The small wolf behind Archer, who is hiding under paws does the same thing I do. When she looks back up at me, her dark brown eyes are filled with fear. I go to help her but she flinches away. "She is weary of Runts," Beta Isaac calls out. I look back at the Beta with a confused look. One of our female warriors comes over while glaring at me. I guess no one here really cares for Runts all that much.

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