Chapter Thirty~Five

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  There have been many moments in my life that I wanted to share with my sister. The first time Wen kissed me was especially one of them. However I had quickly learned from Irwin that if I had turned to her, I would be punished. I tried to use Shell to fill the hole in my heart and for the most part she does.

I love Shell and yes she is my sister but there's something about knowing I can finally have my biological sister back. That Piper could be in my life, that I could turn to her like I wanted so many times before. The relief of having my big sister back...

I couldn't think of who I'd want more to help me get ready for something like this. When she got here a bit of that happiness chipped away. She was supposed to be going though with a mating ceremony but it got postponed due to the events. Perhaps I should have been more sensitive to it.

Piper combs my hair, almost in a trance like state. "Are you mad?" I whisper, terrified of her answer. My chest feels tight as I try to even my breaths. I would be mad if I were her.

She meets my gaze through the mirror. "Why would I be mad?" Her voice is soft, gentle.

Of course she would try to spare my feelings. I'm such a moron. "That I'm going through the ceremony before you will get the chance to. I know your ceremony was postponed due to pack circumstances and here I am-"

She cuts me off by smiling, it's full of pride and love. It's enough to completely silence me and my harsh heart. "I'm not mad Reagan. I'm disappointed yes, but not mad at you..." she sets the brush down before sitting beside me. She moves my hair over my shoulder. "As long as this is what you want."


Piper smiles again, leaning her head on my shoulder. "We better start walking if you want this done by midnight, which might I say is very last minute." We both chuckle at that.

  I follow her down the stairs, each step seems to bring us closer together. "I want to start preparing myself for becoming Of Luna. The longer time I have to prepare the better. I don't want to end things with Archer just because I can't accept all of myself. I can accept being Luna. I can-I can do this." Not that I could end things apparently but she doesn't need to know that.

Yes we could be separated however we would still be mates. I'm not sure what I'm thinking here, he's my true mate. There's no separating from that! That's just a slap to our goddess's face.

"You'll make a wonderful Luna," she whispers leading me out the back of the house. "Elder Emily said this one should do." She motions to the pond behind my house. That itself is a huge relief to me. I do not want anyone, yet alone my family near that lake where the witch was.

Declan and Piper escort me to the edge of the pond where several people are. Mother Luna, Vic, Shell, David, my brothers, Alpha Rend, another Alpha I vaguely remember from the MoA, and then an elder couple who I assume are Archers grandparents.

In a perfect world my aunt would be here but we don't have the luxury of time nor do I have the patience to block any more flying bowls of spaghetti from my cousin. I doubt Archer would be calm the second go around, not that I'd expect him to me.

Elder Emily steps forward only for the older man to cut her off. She gives him a dirty but yet playful look. "Emily, let me do my grandson's ceremony."

Emily steps back with Archers grandmother. The man has a mix of blonde and white hair, his amber eyes now a dull glow. He stands a couple inches shorter than Archer but that doesn't demolish his authority. He holds his hand out to me in which I take. "I am Elder James and I have one question for you before we start. Are you making this commitment purely from your heart and mean no evil means?"

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