Chapter Twenty~Three

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As the sun sets I know what time it is, Isaac is leaving. The thought of the entire situation now makes me a tad uncomfortable. Archer had already requested me to go with him to say bye. So we walk side by side in the woods heading towards the boarder. "I was thinking that since I have the room now, since it's still really close..." I trail off feeling my cheeks heat up.

"What?" Archer asks nudging my shoulder with his own.

"Could we possibly stay at my house now?"

  Instead of answering he chuckles lowly. "I figured you would want to."

"I could always just stay by myself and you could have your bed back," I add.

"Are you trying to get rid of me Reagan?"

"No. I'm just saying that you probably want your room back is all." I shove my hands into my jacket pockets with a shrug.

"I know you probably just want your own space back, and I respect that."


  He lets out a sigh. He seems to think about his phrasing before glancing towards me. "There's things going on that not everyone is aware of. You might not have a reaction to my blood yet or possibly even ever but there's always a risk. Then to tack on that I'm having to strict up my boarders since council members can't keep their mouths shut..." he pauses clenching his jaw. "I would love to give you your personal space. I don't want to be the guy who's always intruding but for your safety, I would feel better sleeping under the same roof as you. I don't care if it's at my house or yours."

"I understand Alpha," I lowly say keeping my gaze on the trail ahead of us. "I think it would be better on everyone if we stayed at mine. Mother Luna deserves her own space without me any more disruptions."

"She doesn't think you're a disruption. She actually really likes you."

  We both stop talking upon entering the clearing. He puts his hand on my back leading me forwards and past Isaacs pack. The girl from the night he arrived standing a few steps behind him. Isaac looks towards us, his gaze flickering between us. "Well, it's been fun," Isaac says awkwardly shoving his hands in his front jean pockets.

"That's one way to describe it." Isaac catches my eye, it seems as if he's going to say something but Archer cuts him off. "If you cross into my lands without prior authorization again, I will not stop her from killing you."

"You know, everyone has always said you were a smooth talker Alpha Archer."

"I always did better than most at school so it shouldn't be a surprise even now," Archer retorts. "And about our conversation the other night Alpha Isaac. I would be careful of how you handle certain situations particularly when it comes to those you truly do not know."

Him and Isaac hold gazes, very intensely might I add. Isaac clenches his jaw refusing to be the first to look away. "Sometimes all you must do is wait for the other to screw up just enough."

"Wishful thinking when you do not yet know your own impact."Archer than moves his hand to my shoulder. "Now if you'll excuse us, I have to escort Reagan, Victor, and Shell into town."

Isaac looks from Archer and back to me. I force myself to smile giving an awkward half wave before bowing my head. "Have a safe trip home Alpha."

Archer however doesn't wait for a response, instead he's already leading me away. When we are far enough away I look up at him, he's looking straight ahead. "I wasn't aware we were going into town."

"Shell wanted to shop."

I shove my hands in my pockets again with a little laugh. "For what?"

"Clothes, house stuff, food? I don't know, I just know she's a pest sometimes."

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