Chapter 1

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Warning: grammar might be bad. The very first book I'm writing right now!

There are always secrets. Think about it for a minute.  People lie and fib all around you. Sometimes you can be in a situation where you don't know where the lies start or end. It could always be the same with the truth.

You never know if you can truly trust someone. Hah, I know this info sadly, from experience. I trust someone with my heart. At first, it was alright. Then she started lying and it hurt. In the end, I had to choose a side.

My story starts a few years earlier. It's when I met her. I had two lives lived. The one with my friends and loved ones. The second is my circle of trust. See the first life is just everyone who I can't trust. I have to be careful who I trust.

I have a secret that no one can know. Sept when she walked into my life. Everything changed when I met her. That's all you need to know. You will just have to wait and see what happens next.

Love can be a couple of things. It can be the most awesome thing in the world. Or the other side that involves lies and secrets.

Is it bad you still love them even though they lied? Is it a match in heaven? See like I said I have some secrets to keep. So really it's about a battle of the heart.
But the question is what's the battle? And who's winning? Which side are you picking?
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My Life
"Happy Birthday Cami!" I smile as my best friend walks into my house. She usually walks in like she owns the place. Today I was turning the big 16.
"So what are we doing today to celebrate? "Músa Said. "Hmm let me think on that for a minute," I say sassy.
Musa sits and taps her fingers on the table waiting. I grin from ear to ear. "How about we go to school and take today's chemistry test? "

"She groans I forgot about that. Hey, where are your siblings? I haven't seen them running around yet."

"Oh, that's right my sibling. I need to get them up. We have to drop them off before we go to school. That's ok, right? I forgot to ask you last night, sorry." I said while walking to my sibling's room.

I have two siblings that I have to take care of. I have my sister Lily who plays soccer. My brother Bowen loves to watch baseball. He wants to try out next year on the team. Oh, also there are twins so that's even more fun.
*I knock on their door to know I'm coming in.* " No, I want to open the door for sissy." No that's not fair I woke up before you" I hear the twins arguing through the door. *I sigh and open the door for both of them*lily tumble into my arms and brown fights to get into the hug.

Hi ya, sissy Bowen says while grinning. Lily huffs and elbows her brother. Hey hey no fighting this morning. What's the rule when it's a special day? I say looking them in the eyes. Bowen and Lily look at each for a minute." Sorry sissy they say. Rule 1 no fighting on birthdays." Good now get ready for school and say hi to Musa too."

"Did your mom already head to work this morning?" She said

"Yeah, she had to work over because she's leaving early for tonight," I replied to Musa's question.

"Oh shit, we gotta go or we're gonna be late for school. " Musa says while skipping to grab the twins. I grab my bag and stuff everything for school I need. I look at the kitchen counter and debate whether to bring my anxiety pills.

"Cami hurries the hell up we gotta go! Bow and Lily get in the car!" She yells and shoves the twins out the door.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I yell back while grabbing my bag and heading out the door with her. I lock the house up since I will be at school All day. I jog and hop into music white jeep she got for her sweet 16th.
Authors note
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