Chapter 4

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Chapter four!
Time For School
Musa and I walk into are first period class. Are first class is Algebra with Mrs.Cromwell. She's a hard ass but I like her because of that. The only problem I have with this class is the subject. I don't like math. I don't understand math. If I could I would send math to hell. Sadly I can't do that.
Musa and I take are usual seats in the back. When someone sits in the back they usually want to hide. Class hasn't started yet so I make small talk to some people around me.

Five or so minutes pass

Alright class settle down now. It's time to start are lesson. Mrs Cromwell tells the class. No one listened like always. I turn back and open my book bag. I always carry a sketch book so I can sketch. Helps me calm down sometimes. Mrs Cromwell tries again and I sigh. Class! Turn and face the board now! I'm not playing this time. Mrs Cromwell finished with a growl at the end. Every wolf in the room automatically shifts and faces her. The rest of the class follows their lead sept for me of course.

Now where learning X & Y interprets today. Mrs. Cromwell starts. As soon as she starts talking I completely zone out. I wave my hand around while I start using my telekinesis to move my pencil around. I start drawing a dragons tail. I look to my side and like always musa is writing notes. I decide to switch hands and use that one. I twirl my hand around continuing my dragon.

Miss.Raven this isn't art class. Now if you don't mind how about you pay attention. Also you can stop using your powers. Mrs. Cromwell continues while I stop to look up. Now if i remember correctly no supernatural powers during class. Is the rule here. Isn't it? Mrs.Cromwell finishes. I look up and sigh. Yes that's correct that the rule. I'm very sorry for not paying attention. I will work better on doing so. I finish my little apology. That's when I start to get a feeling k don't recognize in my stomach. I don't pay much attention to it. Because what happens next takes me by surprise.

How about you solve these problems for the class? Since your so interested miss raven. Mrs Cromwell tells me. I swear my jaw could drop to the ground. I quickly close it while I recover. Oh umm of course mrs Cromwell if you want me too. I replied back.

I walk to the board and realize what we were learning. X and Y intercepts. Let's just say I dislike this topic. I know how to do it I just don't want to it. And apparently I don't have to. Because a mysterious stranger saves me.

"#1 x is 5 & y is 10. Technically the answers also are (5.0),(0.10)" a mysterious voice says.

I look at the girl in front of me. Up and down. I repeat this about three times. I think the girl noticed because now she has a famous smirk on her face. And that's when I think about all the things I can do to her body.

How her sexy voice can moan my name. How she can cradle my lap while I kiss her neck. How she- 

"And who might you be?" Mrs. Cromwell asks the new girl.

Now I'm more interested. For starters I can't keep my eyes off of her. Two I really keep thinking of thoughts I shouldn't. She seems like a goddess. I've never thought of a girl this hot before.

"I think I might have just got shivers down my spine. Oh god I think I fell in love with her voice. I look at the girl in front of me. Up and down. I repeat this about three times. I think the girl noticed because now she has a famous smirk on her face. Like if I see that my mind goes somewhere else.

"And who might you be?" Mrs. Cromwell asks the new girl.

Now I'm more interested. For starters I can't keep my eyes off of her. Two I really keep thinking of thoughts I shouldn't. She seems like a goddess. I've never thought of a girl this hot before.

"Oh me? I'm a new student here. I'm a sophomore I think. I moved from New York to a little town in California." The mysterious girl says. "That's a very interesting miss, but I need a name."Mrs Cromwell says back. They both seem to be entranced with each other. This is a chance where I get to sneak away. I need to tell musa.

Boy was there gonna be some gossip now. I mean usually there is but we have a new girl. Who I might add I can't get out of my mind.  I very much try to be sneaky. Now if you met me if you would now I'm not that good at doing that. Plus I have to control my emotions right now.
I was still waiting to hear the hot new girl's name. Now might I add again she is very hottttt like steaming bad girl vibes. And that's definitely the vibe she gives off.

Boy was there gonna be some gossip now. I mean usually there is but we have a new girl. Who I might add I can't get out of my mind.  I very much try to be sneaky. Now if you met me if you would now I'm not that good at doing that. Plus I have to control my emotions right now.
I was still waiting to hear the hot new girl's name. Now might I add again she is very hottttt like steaming bad girl vibes. And that's definitely the vibe she gives off.
Just a quick note
I've never done dialogue before. So this is new.

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