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I'm tired.
Let's get on with the story.
Hazel POV
I was the first to wake up. I was painting pretty hard. I went to feel my chest for my necklace. It's a silver ring on a long chain. My aunt gave it to me before she had to go to war. It was her wedding ring. When I went to grab it my chest was bare. I looked down and I was only in my black bra and sleep shorts. "Shit Shit. What the fuck did we do last night." I whisper to myself partly. I didn't want to wake cami.

I look over to see her peacefully sleeping. I could see her lips were puffy. I guess we had a make-out session? God, I needed to find out. I went to the bathroom with my clothes. Once I got there I looked in the mirror. My eyes were red, not blue. Which means my wolf was out last night. I opened my mouth begging my canines to be out. "Oh fuck a duck." I face-palm myself. I needed to call dad. If I told mom she would probably yell the whole time. If my thoughts are correct then I might have marked cami. Which means she might be my mate. That sorta makes sense. But I thought you didn't find your mate until like 18.

I quickly get dressed and look back in the mirror. My canines were slowly retracting. I took a few breaths. I grabbed my ring and started running it up and down the chain. I have anger problems. Which causes my emotions to be everywhere. Which might mean I might have been a late bloomer wolf. Instead, I first shifted at 6. Usually, you shift 8-10 somewhere around there. No one told me what was happening. My bones just started to crack and I was screaming. Likely my aunt was there to help me. I know I shouldn't say this but sometimes she was more of my mom than my actual mom.

I tear runs down my cheek. My aunt was everything to me. I looked exactly like her too. Long brunette hair. Big blue eyes. Looks like you're looking at the sky. Freckles on your cheeks and nose. Small little ears. A smile is just as big as a cartoon character. I wipe my eyes and shake my head. I didn't have time to deal with this. I need to check on the cam and also call my dad. As much as I miss my aunt I can't focus on that right now.

I quickly do a side messy braid. Before leaving the bathroom. Last night was still sorta fuzzy but I remember some of it. We kissed I remember that. I don't think I marked her but I got pretty close. I think I might have given her some hickeys. Not completely sure about that though. Part of me. Mostly my wolf side was all happy and shit. I on the other hand was scared the shit out. I've never felt like this before. I mean I messed around a little in New York. But not a lot. I mostly just partied and shit. Cam is my first everything. All my thoughts stop when I open the door. If it was possible I think my heart skipped a bit.

She was still sleeping peacefully. I saw some of her beautiful long locks fall into her eyes. I acted on instinct and walked over to her. But when I did I realized she wasn't sleeping peacefully. You wouldn't be able to tell unless you were close to her. I shake her lightly. "Hey hey wake up. Cam your asleep but it's time to wake up." She jolts awake. I take a step back while she looks around. Her eyes land on mine. It's like as soon as she saw me she automatically calmed down. "What happened?" She asked me. "I would love to explain but I have to call my dad. But when I come back we're gonna talk. Until then maybe check on your siblings. Maybe uh take some deep breaths or shit. Who the hell knows at this point."

I give her a quick peck on the cheek. She was shocked for the most part. I sorta rushed out of the room. I needed answers to some long-deserved fucking answers. I walk out the door and close it behind me. I sigh and sit down on one of the brick steps. I pull my phone out. I was glad that I didn't mark cam yet. I woulda felt like shit if I did. Luckily all we did last night was get a little handy. I put cami aside in my mind. Right now I needed to figure this shit out. I go to calls and dial my dad.

At first, I think he's not gonna answer then he does. "Hey hazelnut" my dad greet me over the phone. "Hey, dad umm I need to talk to you," I asked him. I was about to Continue when I heard someone in the background. "Who are you talking to Dan?" Some women in the background called. "Oh, just an old buddy of mind. No one Important babe" my dad replied to I'm guessing a woman. My heart broke a little at his words. No one is important. Just some stranger. Just a nobody. That broke me inside. My dad and my mom whereby Mates. Fuck they whereby even supposed to have me. I'm a fucking accident. I'm not meant to be here. Never have. My aunt raised me. Not my parents.

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