Chapter 7

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Look I just want to point out something. I am very fucking proud of my self. I am writing a good ddamn story. But besides that let's carry on with the story.
Let's Celebrate 🎉  part 1
School ended finally. I was walking to where muse parked her jeep this morning. My mom couldn't celebrate my birthday with me tonight. So Luke had an actual good idea. Where gonna celebrate at his house. Muse and I plus my siblings. " girl get your ass in the car now. I'm so done with school." Muse groans out. " what happened after lunch to make you mad.?" I ask while I hop in the passenger seat. "just teenage hormonal boys. Luckily Luke came to my rescue." She blushes slightly at saying the last bit. "And you said I was being smitten. Look at you. Just admit it you like him." I tell her. I mean I know it's true they always look at each other like that.

"I mean- but - I - I no. I mean he's a wolf cam so he has a mate out there. Someone made for him. I doubt it's a little witch. I mean I'm not even that powerful. I just see visions." Muse says back to me. I sigh. "Girl stop putting your self down. Your visions are powerful. No doubt about that. I'm the one who should say I'm over powerful." I say back to muse. " come on we have to pick the twins up. We can't exactly just leave them there. Plus I have a feeling they did something." I say while muse starts the car.

While we drive to the elementary school. My thoughts wonder to Hazel. We made eye contact in the cafeteria. All we did was look I'm each other's direction. I just feel a pull to her. I might ask around and see what supernatural she is. Everyone in town is something supernatural. If there's a human family here. Which is rare here to be honest. But usually they come here because there running.

We pull up at the elementary. I get out of the car. Muse parks the car while I go inside. They stay after school until we can get them. Since they get out before us. I open the door and see the twins sitting on a bench. I am slightly confused by this. They where supposed be in after school care. I walk closer to the bench.

The twins see me and brighten up. " sisssssy finalllly your here." Bow says running into my arm. " can us home please pretty please." Lily begs. " I will but you guys are supposed to be in after school care. Home come no one is around?" I ask the twins. The shrug there shoulders at my questions. " I'm taking that as no clue.come on come on go get in the car. Muse is waiting." I open the door for them to go out.

We start the drive back and I put some music on. I look through the songs and pick one.
Ride by: twenty one pilots
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
I'm fallin' so I'm taking my time on my ride
Oh, oh, oh, oh
I sing along to the the lyrics. Raising my hands in the air and smiling. I'm having a good birthday are my thoughts.
I tell the twins where going to Luke's house tonight. To celebrate my birthday today. They said ok and started to get ready. I did the was muse and I in my room. I was looking through my clothes picking an outfit out. "So you gonna tell Luke. You know about you liking him. You could always be his mate." I tell muse who was sitting on my bed. Muse stays quiet so I take that as she is not. I decide on my outfit. My favorite black ripped skinny jeans. A black crop top. With I black and white stripe sweater. I brush my hair and grab a hair tie and my arrow bracket. " let's go party muse." I turn to her and smile.

" twins come on were leaving." I clap my hands unwholesome walking down the hall. They step out there room grinning. "We got you a little something sis." The twins come out with there hands behind there back. "Guys you didn't have too. Having you guys as my siblings is enough." I say to them. I smile being happy. This is the happiest birthday I have had in awhile. "We saved and combined are money. We saved for a whole year. We wanted to get you something special." Lily tells me. They hand me the little gift they got me. My grin just gets bigger while I start to un wrap it. I move to the sofa with everyone sitting around me.

I gasp as I look at the present. I started crying. Happy tears of course. It was a necklace. With my initials and a little heart with and arrow through it. "Guys this most have been so expensive. I can't Believe you got my this necklace." I say wiping away a tear. "I chipped in some with the money. Your siblings and me wanted to give you something special." Muse tells me. I grab her and my siblings in a big messy group hug. "We love you! Happy 16th birthday Camille!" All three of the yell excitedly. I giggle at the use of my full name.

"Let's go celebrate!" I yell while running to the front door. I hop into muse jeep while giggling like a crazy person. I look back at the necklace they got me. It makes me so happy they got me this. I run my hands over the gold CLR. (her initials) I haven't had nice things since my dad was alive. So it's been a while since I got something nice and pretty. I open the chain so I can put it around my neck. "Let's go hit the road. So we can celebrate you." Muse says while getting in the car. I might not be rich. I might not be poor Ether. But the one thing I can count on is my family. The only four people I can trust. I have to be careful who I trust. So it's hard to find people I can put my faith in. But I did I found muse and Luke.

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