Chapter 5

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New Girls POV
Time for new girls backstory.
New Girl In Town
I look around outside my window. I have been in this fucking car for three hours. Just to move to some random town in California. " Sweetie, it's gonna be ok. It's gonna be a fresh start for us." My mom tells me. A fresh start? At the edge of ficking nowhere? I spit out at my mom. I was fucking angry at her. We lived in New York for god's sake. New York the city of lights!

"Hey young lady, don't curse at your mother. I know you're mad but it will be good for you." My mother continues to tell me. I start laughing. I couldn't help it. "A fresh start for me or you?" I ask her.

"Hazel Linda Anderson doesn't give me an attitude." We moved here for reasons because of you. My mother snaps at me. I fuck I pissed her off. I count in my head to calm down. I can't start growling at her. That won't fix anything I know.

"Look mom I am sorry I have more anger problems than normal. I'm sorry we had to pick up and move to the middle of nowhere. Might I add again nowhere. I am sorry that dad had to stay back because of me." I apologize to my mom. "It's ok. Your father will come meet us up in a few weeks. Maybe this fresh start is a gift from the goddess." My mom smiled weakly at me. Maybe mom, maybe. Maybe my mate will be there too. So maybe just maybe. I whisper to myself.

We arrive at this new school I have to go to. I think it's called the west shore I'm pretty sure. I wave my mom goodbye and walk inside. I was looking for room 1639 algebra class. One thing to note about me is I'm a smart ass.

I walk into the class and see this girl. My heart starts beating fast. Like about to jump out of my heart. "Mine" I whisper. Low enough so I think only I heard.My mind was racing with thoughts. Ok I don't have time for this. I have math class to get to.

I walk down the hallway looking for the classroom. My eyes land on this girl who was drawing but got caught. The teacher calls on her and asks her to go to the front. I snort "oh she's in for it now" I say out loud. I walk to the door the day and lay against it. I watch the girl walk up being all polite like. Yeah I'm guessing she's putting on a smile. I couldn't help but get that possessive feeling again. I saw a couple people stare at her body. I didn't like that not one bit.

"Oh god save me" the girl whispers to her self. Sue whispered it low enough so just to herself. If you where a Where wolf you could hear it. Which I am. I sigh and decide I'm gonna help her out here.

To be Honest I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to move. Hell I understand why the girl had to put on a act. I understand to well. Don't get me wrong I have parents who love with fully. But I just get tired sometimes. My parents got divorced almost 2 years ago because of me. They said it want my fault but I know. I have some problems. Let's just say more than normal.

"#1 x is 5 & y is 10. Technically the answers also are (5.0),(0.10)" I say answering the question for the girl. Everyone's head turned to me I put on a mischievous smirk. I heard some whistles and whispers around the room. The girl who was answering the problem turned to me. She looked me up and Down. I let her Conroe to check me out. Because I was doing the same to her. God she is smoking hot.

"Do you mind telling me who you are young lady?" The teacher looks at me and I snap out of the trance I was in when she spoke.

"Oh me? Well I'm new In town. I just moved here from New York actually. I'm pretty sure I'm a sophomore at this school. Plus my schedule said this was my first class so."I finish saying to the teacher. I look at the board. Oh that's the teacher name ok. "Mrs.Cromwell right?" I ask the teacher.

I'm a smart ass through and through. If it's needed I can curse someone out. My parents are originally from Italy so they speak Italian. I was raised to learn it too. So sometimes my mind goes to Italian brain.

"Yes I'm Mrs.Cromwell. I teach algebra here at this school. Now all the info you gave me is nice but I need a name." Mrs Cromwell tells me. She was staring at me waiting so I stared back. I was being my usual self. "Hmm my name? Well let me think. I have lots of names people call me. Your gonna have to be more specific." I say back to mrs.Cromwell.

The girl at the board was trying to sneak away so I carried on. For some reason I can't keep my mind from thinking about fucking her right here and right now. I shake my head and remind myself that it's not the time to think naughty.

"You must think your very funny miss. I need a first and last name. I don't care about what your doing here. I just need your name. The name your where given when you where born." Mrs Cromwell told me.

Oh you want the name my mother gave me. Well you should have said that from the start. "I'm Hazel. Hazel Anderson."
I do a little curtsy when I finish saying my name.

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