Chapter 8

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Let's go celebrate part 2
I promised my friend some more gayness in this chapter. So have fun reading.
We pull into Luke's house. We where the only car in the driveway. His parents where probably out celebrating or something. We get out of the car and waltz right into the house. We don't knock or anything because where here all the time. Luke was in the kitchen getting snacks. I was about to say something until I saw her. "Why exactly did you invite me?" Hazel ask Luke. "For cami of course I saw the way you look at her." Luke says back. Hazel was about to say something snarky until my siblings interrupted." Uncleeeee Lukeyyyyyyy !" The twins scream while running into his arms.

Hazel takes a few steps back until she run into the wall. With out thinking I move her to the couch. The twins where busy with Luke so they didn't see. I start to get dizzy from the magic. I think I stumbled back into muse harm. "Girl your lucky I had a vision about this. You can't do reckless magic like that." She tells me. I sigh
"I couldn't help it. I just felt like I needed to do anything to prevent from her falling." I say to her. "Ok what movie are we watching!" Luke says while coming into the living room.

I sprint to Luke and grab the popcorn bowl. He wasn't focused since he had my siblings hanging on him like a monkey gym. I sit on the floor with my legs crossed and the popcorn in my lap. "That's a pretty necklace you have there" Hazel whispers in my ear. I let out a shaky sigh. She was so close to my ear. But at the same time so far away. "I just got it today. If you haven't heard it's my birthday today." I tell her. Muse was snickering about Luke. Luke was whining about the twins.

The twins busy climbing Luke like a monkey they are. "Hmm well you look good In a necklace. She hooked the necklace around her fingers. So she could get a better view of it.She was now sitting on the ground next to me. I saw she had a chain Tucked under her shirt. I was guessing it was a necklace but I wasn't sure. My curiosity almost got the better of me. Until she said something that's made me stumble. "Especially when it's on someone as hot as you." She smirks. I start choke a little on the popcorn I was eating. This is the part where I remember to breath. Inhale exhale like a normal person. Act cool and normal. Cool and normal. That was me trying to remember how to act right. 

I put the bowl of popcorn to the side. I was gonna stand up but my body had other plans. I was using my wrist to lean back. So when I lost all control and my body went limp. I fell back bringing Hazel with me. Everyone turn around when they heard a small thud. When they did turn around they saw Hazel on top me. My face was turning bright cherry red. My heart and emtions where skying through the roof. Enough for me to magically turn on the tv. With out the remote. "Next time.Next time baby. I will make you mine and only mine." Hazel whispered in my ear before getting up off me.

** I've already spent half the book already on her birthday so im wrapping it up now. So where skipping to later.

Luke and muse where sorta cuddling. They won't admit it but soon Luke will know who his mate is. I have a feeling it's muse. Luke has liked her since the day he met her. Hazel stayed on the ground next to me. We where watching my favorite show of all time. Heartbreak high. I have only watched a little but I'm already in love. I smile just thinking of everything. I have had a wonderful birthday.

I let out a yawn and stretched my arms out. With out even thinking about my actions. I snuggle against hazels shoulder. I didn't realize what I was doing until I felt her body completely tense up. I think by surprise. I smacked myself mentally. I tried to get my body to move but it didn't. Instead I started secretly grab her hand in mine. Her hand was on the floor so it was easy to hide what I was trying to do. At first she doesn't act at all. Still in shock of my actions. She takes a shaky breath. Here's me on the other side slapping my self in my head. Did I miss read the signs? Does she not want to hold my hand. I should pull backs right? Of course she wouldn't want me.

I mean even if she did. I don't know how I could tell her about my powers. It's not exactly like I could just blurt it out. Hey Hazel I'm a telekinesis witch. Who can't control her magic. Plus you know I'm a fucked up person with bad anxiety. Who has to be on meds just to help me. Just saying it in my head sounds like a hella lot make believe. Hazel brings me out of my 10 minute rant in my head. She grabs my hand in hers and gives it a little squeeze. She also moves her leg closer to my thigh. She decided I needed a little tease. She rubs her leg slightly against my thigh. We where both where jeans. So she was mostly rubbing Jean on Jean. But I could still feel most of it. I look up to see what the rest of the crew where doing.

I wasn't sure if they saw what we where doing or not. Fuck is all I can think about while she does this. What I really wanted to do was sit in her lap and grab her. Kiss her all over. Whisper sweet things in her ear. Make her whimper for me to keep kissing her. For me to tease her just for the fun of it. For us to make out and I explore every inch of her mouth. Muse brings me out of my thoughts.

" WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL. WAS THAT ENDING. THERE HAS TO BE MORE." Muse is screaming at the tv I think.

The twins start to stir in there sleep from the yelling. I let out a long sigh. "Sorry haze but it's time to go back to my world." I whisper to Hazel. I snicker a little cause I gave her a little nickname. I gave muse a look. She realized she almost woke up the siblings. "I'm taking the twins to the guest room. You Luke take your love somewhere. Also calm the fuck down muse." I tell everyone. I grab Bowen in one arm and lily in the other. I walk down the hall to the guest room.

Lay them down on the bed. Walk out slowly and close the door. I was tired my self. I walk back in the living room and only Hazel was there. She had her back to me. I walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder. She doesn't seem faze at All.

"Um I just wanted to tell everyone that I think I'm gonna crash for the night. I also was wondering if your staying or not." I ask her before my nerves could get the best of me.

"How many rooms does Luke have." She asked. I think for a moment before I reply. "Well there's the parents bedroom. Luke's bedroom. The guest room where twins are. Then another guest room. Muse and Luke will probably sleep together in his room. I will be in the other guest room. So if you want you can be in the parents bed room." I tell her. The next she said made my mouth open and close "Nah I think I will just bunk with you, I've already told you that your gonna be mine. So I see why the fuck not." She smirks. Like a full on devils smirk I'm telling you here.

I don't even reply I just start walking to the second guest room. I pick up my necklace and run my hands over it. It's a habit I picked up now. It's funny how I've only had this necklace less than 24 hrs and I've already picked up a habit with it. "There's a couple set of pajamas in the room too. If you want to change in them you can." I blush a little just saying those words. "You seem to know your way around this place." Hazel commented. "Yeah I do. I stay here a lot when my mom is out working or whatever." I tell her honestly. "Hmm." Is all I got in response.

We enter the guest Room. It's a pretty decent size. There's a queen bed. Two dressers. A little closet too.

I take my shoes off and climb into my side of the bed. I always sleep on the left side. I was gonna fall asleep until I saw what Hazel was doing. She was taking of her shirt to put on the sleep shirt.

Is it possible for this girl to get any hotter?

Hazel slides on her shirt then starts laughing. I covered my mouth as soon as I realized what she was laughing about. "Did I say that out loud?" I ask. "Fuck yes you did. Oh god it's funny how your older than me and I seem more quick to catch on." She tells me. "Wait I'm sorry. I'm older than you?" I ask completely dumb founded. "Yeah I'm still in the same grade as you but I'm younger. I'm only 15 sadly. But anyways I'm going to bed now. If you want I can give your birthday present now." She tells me. "Well it is my birthday so..." I giggle slightly. "You might regret your choice later. But for now you asked for it.
I think this might be the longest chapter yet. Anyway I might get another chapter in before Christmas.
Also my Christmas wish is for more readers. Maybe it will come true. We will see.

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