Chapter 2

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Chapter two is here! Now my question is are you interested yet?
The Car Ride
I was in Musa's jeep taking control over the music. I was looking through the playlist when the twins started bickering. They were sitting in the backseat buckled up. One sitting on the left side, and one sitting on the right side.

"No, I want the stuffing today!" Lily shouts to Bowen. "No that's not fair you got it all last week! Mommy even washed it for you!"Bowen shouts back to lily.

I start to get a migraine from the bickering in the back. I look to musa for a little help. She stops the car and pulls over. I take my seatbelt off and turn to face them.

They both had a pouty face on. I mean they are only 8 years old. I let them slide on stuff sometimes. Life is hard enough as it is. I have bad anxiety, the twins both have high energy, and my mom had to work a lot. I take the stuffy there fighting over. Now this makes them even more cranky. They start fussing all over again. This doesn't help my anxiety. " haha I guess that means you can't have it haha" Bowen brags to lily. I couldn't take it anymore. My anxiety took over.

Lily starts crying over what her brother said. Bowen counties to brag. Musa tries to stop them but no good comes.

I have my eyes closed, squeezing musas hand tight. While I start hyperventilating from the anxiety attack I'm having.

Cautious forms all around us. That's what the world does when I have an attack.

The twins start humming in tune. Now this sounds weird but trust me it helps. Musa turns to the twins to tell them to close their eyes. I try to catch my breath and count. The humming helps a little for the sound.

Musa looks me directly in the eyes. I nodded my head to what she was thinking. We have a little psychic connection. Not like I can read her every thought. Just more like I felt what she was feeling with what she was thinking. She scoots closer to the passenger seat. Which is where I am sitting in the car.

Another light exploded outside. Musa sits on my lap. She starts to lean in closer. She whispers to calm down in my heart. She kisses the little spot right below your ear. I let out a sigh, a shaky sigh might I add. I turn to look back and the twins are resting their eyes still. I look back to Musa's eyes. Her eyes always have mixed emotions when she has to do this.

She kisses the tip of my nose. I let out a soft moan. The flickering lights outside start to slow down. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed her to kiss me. So I take control and kiss her smack dab on the lips. She kisses right back and we just kiss for a minute.

Once the flickering lights outside the car stop. We both pull away from each other. I let out a breath and another and then one more. Musa looks at me and has that little smirk on her face. "I guess this was your birthday present. Happy 16th ms.witch." Musa says directly to me. "Fuck musa that was hot." I say in a reply back to her.

Lilly and Bowen both giggle. Now this is the part where my face completely turns red. I forgot my siblings were in the back. Might I add musa was
on my lap.

"Ok Ok shows over back to school now. I say to everyone in the car." Musa gets off my lap but I pull her back and kiss her one last time. She takes this by surprise. She looks at me, her face completely shocked and slightly confused. "I needed one more birthday kiss for today."

I say with a smirk plastered on my face.
Once she gets in the driver seat we start driving again. Onto school we go again.
We drop the twins off at their school. So now it was just Musa and I. "God I'm sorry I try to apologize. I didn't want Musa to upset me. I know we have this sort of agreement.."
I try to continue but don't really know what to say.
So musa kisses cami to calm down huh? What are your thoughts on that?

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