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I miss you
Haha that's funny you miss me
I love you
Oh you must be joking I don't love you
Who could love me? Why would anybody miss me?
Hazel POV
"Oh my god you weren't joking." I took the ring and started running it up and down the chain. When I'm anxious playing with it helps me.

"Sadly no alpha where not. I didn't want to tell you until Katie explained everything." Luke told me.

"I wish I could have told you sooner. But I had to wait." She walked over to me and put a piece of my hair behind my ear. "You really are beautiful. If I had my way I would have raised you and watched you grow up." She told me.

"I really am sorry to interrupt. But when should we explain everything to Camille." He asked us.

"Oh shit shit. I forgot about her. I sorta left her hanging." I explain to them sorta. They all had a confused look on there face.

"Well as you can see I stayed the night. With cam in the same guest room. And I sorta almost marked her." I blush just thinking about it.

"By how close do you actually mean? Like you thought about it?" They both looked at me waiting for an answer. I think Katie asked. I am not sure if I can call her mom. I know she is but it feels weird.

"Did I think about it? Since the moment I laid my eyes on her. Did I mark her yet? No not yet. Did I have my canines about ready to until I passed out or something. Yeah cause when I woke up my canines where out and my eyes where dark blood red. Which means my wolf had and was taking over." I explain to them.

Luke and mom shared a look.

"What's the look for? Is there something you guys need to tell me." I ask them.

"I would love to but I can't. It's not my past nor my present to talk about alpha." Luke told me. That didn't help a growl escape.

Before I could say anything mom butted in. " she's your mate sweetie. A very powerful mate might I add. I have known cami for a couple of years know. She's a fragile girl. She's like that cause of her past. She had to grow up fast. She has two siblings to raise." Mom explains.

"Ok I'm starting to get a headache. I'm going to check up on cam and we can talk more later or whatever. Right now I need to calm down before I punch someone." I told them.

Before I could walk away like said something.

"Umm if you want you can use are gym. It's in the basement. We have a punching bag some weights a speaker too. You don't have to but we use it to let some anger out." Luke informed me.

I let out a huge grin at that. "Right now your my bestie. I think I might come to your house more often." I continued to smile. Just thinking of working out makes me pump.

I run into the house. Without thinking I bump into some one. She falls but I don't. "Oh shit sorry." I tell her. I look down oh my god it was the little cami. What was her name? Did it start with a l? When I look back down she was crying, like full on crying. "Uh um... shit shit I'm sorry." I crotch down beside her. "Where do you hurt and I will get sis." I try and ask. I'm not good with kids. I've always been an only child.

"I want sissy. She always heals me." The little girl stated. "Uh yeah I'm gonna find someone. Be right back." I get up and look around. I saw I think muse sitting on I'm guessing Luke's bed. "Oh sorry to interrupt but I got a small problem. One of Camille's sibling fell." I explained.

"Girl or boy?" She asked me.

"G-girl? I'm sorry what are you asking." I ask her.

"Oh sorry. For starters I'm muse. And two cam has twin siblings. One boy Bowen and one girl lily. So I meant which sibling was it.?" Muse told me.

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