Chapter 6

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So that's her name?
Back to Cami POV
She just curtsied like a princess. She said her name which is Hazel. And then she just cursty like she was wearing a dress or something. I was back in my seat now across from musa. I was still too busy look at Hazel until musa said something.

"I can't tell if that's lust or love I see in your eyes. Maybe a little bit of both" She said trying not to laugh a little. "W-What N-No. I just.. well I just."I sigh in defeat. "Hmm so someone is smitten I see I see."She giggles. I can't deny this warm fuzzy feeling I have. I know no one can love me but I can hope. Right? I'm my fantasy I have a princess who loves for me. I don't have to lie about having night terrors at night. Or about how I'm a witch at high risk anxiety. I don't have to pretend to be someone I am not. I can be me for me. I laugh at my self because like i said fantasies. It's not a reality.

"Well Ms. I'm Anderson do you mind sitting down so we can start class again?" Mrs.Cromwell tells Hazel. "Oh oh yeah sure. Where's an open seat it though?" Hazel ask."Well there's one next to miss raven and she can also help you around today. Since she decided to sneak off." Mrs Cromwell tells me and Hazel.

"I - I -b- but huh?" I barely say. I was sorta lost and confused. But also I heard take new girl around so. "Me? Your talking about me right?"
I ask mrs Cromwell. Well if your name is Camille then yes I think she is. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's your name right? Hazel says while walking toward me I think. I was still in a complete daze so muse answers for me. (muse is Musa's nickname btw) "Yup that's her name. So just sit next to her. She would gladly want to show you around."She said.

Good to know. Hazel said. She sits down in her desks. Puts her feet on the desk and leans back in the chair. In the pose you could see a good view. I liked the pose but I didn't stare long.

I'm doing a time skip. It's lunch time now. So muse and can meet up. Of course they might encounter Hazel. Let's see what happens next. Also bc = because.

It's lunch time now and I'm glad. I was starving bc i didn't eat breakfast. Schools almost over. Which means my birthday is almost over. We where supposed to go out to dinner to celebrate. It depends on my mother really. Things have been rough since my dad passed away. It has been almost 4 years since he passed. I shake my dad thoughts away. I walk to our table muse and I sit at. I have one other really good friend. Luke he's a hormonal wolf. He howls as soon as he sees me. I snicker while shaking my head. I sit down at the table.

"How's being 16 like cams?"Luke ask me. "Oh you know same old same old." I say. Luke and muse are the only two people I trust. They know everything about me. Were just a trio. Two witches and One wolf. I was gonna say something else until my phone started to vibrate. I pull it out of the pocket of my jeans.
Text from Mom
"I'm so sorry sweetie. Where not gonna be able to celebrate tonight. I have a work situation. I promise we will celebrate soon!
Love mom"

"Hey what's wrong cam" Luke asks me. I sigh. "Mom had to cancel tonight. She just texted me and said work got in the way. It's just that it's always seems to be work." I say.

Hmm.. oh I got and idea. Your gonna love this I promise. Luke tells us. Muse was sitting next to him. I was sitting across from them. I lift my left eyebrow. " you, Lucas. You have an idea? Should I be worried? Last time you had and idea. It uh....let's say didn't work out." I say to Luke. Muse on the other hand cracks up laughing. " hey I've had a good idea before. It's just been awhile since I have. But trust me on this." Luke fights back. I sigh in defeat "fine fine, say your idea." I say.

"Ok so you and cams come to my house. Bring your siblings too cam. We can celebrate instead."Luke states proudly. "Oh oh, also we can get a cake too!"Luke adds. I shrug my shoulders. "Sure why not. Let's celebrate my b-day together."

The Lunch bell rings. I say my goodbyes to them. I walk off to throw my trash away. I see Hazel at the corner of my eye at the other trash can. I look at her as she looks at me with a slight smirk on her face, I smile back as we break eye contact and leave the cafeteria.

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