Chapter 20

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Ginny's POV
"Hello?" I hear Hermione say through the phone. Her voice isn't as choked up aslast time, probably a result to Hugo coming back.
"Hi, it's Ginny." I answer back.
"Oh hi, how are you?"
"I'm good. You?"
"Not bad."
"How's Lily? Did she wake up yet?"
"She did. Today in fact, she thought we should let you know."
"Well, that's great! Thanks for letting us know."
"I was also wondering if you wanted to come over to our house, and bring Hugo too."
"I have a better idea! We were planning to go to a restaurant for, you know, Hugo. Lily should come too."
"That's a good idea. What time?"
"Around 6 would be good... Right?" I hear her mutter the last part to someone else, probably Ron. Then she clears her throat and continues this time to me. "Yeah, Ginny, around 6:00pm would be good."
"Alright, see you then."

I click the off button of the phone and head back towards the living room. As I walk in, Lily raises her head almost immediately. She seems very odd since she left. I make a note to self but shrug and decide to just say anything to Harry if I see more. For now, we're good. She seemed really nervous playing with her hands for no apparent reason.

"So, what did they say?" She walks over and asks me.
"They actually have a better idea, they were planning to go to the restaurant because Hermione was tired so they asked us if we wanted to come too." I lie to her about the reason (Hugo) and instantly feel bad about it. I have a bad feeling she will tell Hugo we are spying on them or such.
"What... What did you say?" She asks me.
"Well I said yes," I say as if its the most obvious thing in the world. She tips her head back and sighs annoyed, but when she caught me staring, she replaces it with a smile and goes back to normal. Strange.
"Yay! Sounds fun! I guess I'll go get ready!" She says excitedly and skips off to her room. What the?

Lily's POV
As soon as I shut the door, I lean against it and groan. Can't they just come over? I was hoping he'd come over because then he could come in my room, which won't be make them suspicious since we always hang out in my room and I could ask him what happened and what we are gonna do now. Of course mom just decides to ruin the plans and go to a restaurant. Now how am I supposed to talk to him, sign language? You can't take a death threat lightly I need to talk to him now.

I decide on a yellow flower dress and cute white flats. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and head over to the living room to try plan B. When I see dad watching hockey, I give a sigh of relief and walk over to him. He will be much easier to convince and harder to make suspicious.

"Hey dad!" I give him a hug from behind. "I'm already ready and mom will take an hour, can I go and play outside, I need some fresh air?" He nods understandingly and I head towards Hugo's house but just before I leave, my mom comes out of her room in her red dress and black heels and stops me.

"Honey, it's alright, we can leave now, sorry for taking long." I kick myself mentally for not leaving my room earlier.
Hey guys! Okay, I'll admit it, this was kind of a useless chapter but the next one will be better! I always write mine around 700 words so I couldn't make too long or you would be left with a MAJOR cliffhanger until next week. Will she meet Hugo? What will he do to talk to her?

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