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Albert, Denis, Kaden, and Dani were all in Kaden's car on their way to their new job, a night shift at Terry's Pizzeria.

"God, Kaden, are we there yet?" Albert groans and shifts in his seat. Kaden looks to his right, facing his friend. "Yeah, just be patient. I'm following the GPS. It says we only have... five minutes left."

Albert rests his head on the seat and groans some more. Denis speaks up from behind Kaden. "Where'd you even hear about this place anyways?"

"Oh, I was scrolling through some things on my laptop to find a job of some sort and found the application for the pizzeria," Kaden explains.

Dani rolled her eyes. "Well, this doesn't sound fishy at all.." Kaden laughed. "Well, you all agreed to go, so.." The three others sighed. It was true, they all did agree to go.

Five minutes later, they arrive at a shady, run-down building with the words 'Terry's Pizzeria' plastered across the front walls.

"Well isn't this the jolliest place you've ever been?" Albert jokes, hitting a little jig after he gets out of the car. "Yeah, it's almost like we've all been here before!" Denis says sarcastically, hinting to the hit game, Five Nights At Freddy's.

Once they're all out of the car, they begin to walk towards the entrance. But, Kaden stops them before he opens the door. "Are you guys sure y'all wanna do this? We don't have to if y'all don't want to.." Albert opens the door. "Nah, we ain't pussies." Kaden sighs but follows him, Denis and Dani not far behind Kaden.

"Holy shit, this place is creepy.." Dani says as they explore the place a little bit. "Couldn't agree more.." Denis groans. "Hey guys, I think I found a control room of some sort," Albert points his finger in front of him, revealing a security room. "Let's go in there then," Kaden suggests. They all nod and pile into the room.

They looked around the room for any instructions on what to do when the phone began to ring. "Hey, will one of y'all pick that up?" Kaden asks from the other side of the room, still checking stuff out. Denis grumbles and picks up the phone. "Hello?" "Hello, hello!" The phone was on speaker, allowing all four friends to hear the person speaking. "This must be your first night shift at Terry's Pizzeria. I'll be kind enough to give you.. a few tips on how to survive the night. One, do not let the power go down. If the power does go out, you must turn on both generators as soon as possible. Two, do not run out of oxygen. If you do, you must reset the ventilation. Three, keep the curtains of the stage next to the security room closed. Music will start to play if you don't. Finally, watch out for the animatronics. They aren't really your.. friendly type. That's all the tips, have a nice rest of your night."

Albert was the first to speak. "What the actual fuck was that?! What did he mean by surviving?!" Denis shrugged. "Maybe he was just goofin around trying to scare us or something." Kaden laughed nervously. "Haha.. Yeah."

Dani walked over to the adjacent room, the one with stage. "I wanna know why he wants us to keep these curtains closed," She says while pointing to the purple curtains.

Denis walked in and stood next to his sister. "Maybe there's a dead body behind them," He jokes. Dani rolled her eyes. "Haha, very funny." "I know," Denis says as he opened the curtains. "WHAT THE HELL-" Denis screamed and immediately closed the curtains again.

Albert and Kaden ran into the room to see what was going on. "What? Why'd you scream?" Kaden asks Denis and puts a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. Denis and Dani shuffled out the room, both too petrified to even open their mouths.

Albert, being the nosy little man he is, swiftly open the curtains, revealing a tall, lanky figure that was staring right back at him. He, too, closed the curtains as soon as he opened them. "That is some creepy shit right there- Nope, I'm never coming back here again," Albert walked out of the room, shaking his head and his hands. Kaden walked out with a petrified look on his face as well.

"Oookayy.. Well, I certainly don't wanna be here anymore," Albert says, stating the obvious. "None of us wanna be here either, but the doors unlock at 6 A.M. and this place has no windows to break. Convenient, right?" Denis says, sarcasm hidden in his tone. Albert scoffs and slumps down in a chair.

However, he immediately jumps from the comfort of the chair as they all hear metal stomping towards them. "It's one of the animatronics!" Dani screeched. "Close the door!" Kaden yelled. Denis rushed to one of the doors and pushed the button to close it. "God, this is just like Five Nights At fucking Freddy's.." Albert complains as he slumps down into the chair again.

Denis sat in one of the few chairs as well to try to catch his breath. They all watch as the power unfortunately depletes from the meter. "We're gonna have to reset the generators soon.." Kaden sighs.

About an hour later, the lights begin to flicker and then the power goes out. "Shit, we're gonna have to reset the generators.." Denis gets up and makes his way towards the western door before Kaden grabs his arm. "What-" "Let me go with you. We still don't really know what's out there yet." Denis sighed. "Fine," he turns towards Albert and Dani, "but you two have to stay here and keep an eye on the curtains." Kaden smiles and waves as the begin to walk out. "We'll be back!" And then they were gone.

They follow the creepy signs towards the generators. "Hey, here's the first one," Kaden says in a whisper, pointing to the first generator. "Okay, you turn that one on, I'll turn the second one on," Denis says, heading into the room with the second generator.

Once both generators where reset, they both bolted back to the security room, lucky enough to not run into an animatronic or other creepy anomalies.

"So, did the curtains move at all while we were gone?" Denis asked the duo that had stayed back. "Nope. No music started playing either," Albert says, shaking his head. "Good. We'll just have to wait this whole night out.." Denis slumps into the chair across from Albert. "That's if the ventilators don't shut down," Dani points out while checking the cameras. Denis sighs. "True, true.." Kaden took a look at the ventilation meter. "It's halfway depleted, but we can probably get through the night without having to reset it."

When the clock struck 5 A.M., the air started to get tight. "Hey, is it just me, or is it getting hard to breathe in here.." Denis says as he begins to cough from trying to gasp for more air. "Fuck- I forgot about the ventilation. I'm gonna go and fix it. Stay here," Albert says as he takes a big breath of air and bolts out of the room towards the ventilation system before Kaden or Dani could say anything.

He makes it to the lever and pulls it to reset it. On his way back, he runs into a bunny animatronic, which begins to chase him.

FUCK! This bitch looks straight outta that dumbass game! Albert thinks to himself as he sprints in a circle to try to lose the thing. When he finally does, he runs back towards the security room and temporarily shuts the door behind him.

Kaden looks up at him. "W-Well you look out of breath." "Hah- Yeah- How are you guys.. doing?" Albert says between breaths. "Dani and I are fine, but Denis.." Kaden turns his gaze over to their unconscious friend who is propped up against the wall.

Albert rushes over to Denis and quickly surveys his friend's condition. "If I remember correctly, he was coughing when the ventilation started to malfunction. He just passed out from the lack of oxygen, he'll be fine," Albert reassures his friends. Dani sighs out in relief. "I'm just glad he's not dead."

After about 30 minutes, Denis wakes up. "What happened..?" He asks while rubbing his head in slight pain. "You passed out," Albert answers. "Wha- Is everyone okay?!" Denis yells, scrambling to his feet to look where Kaden and his sister is. Albert jumps up from his usual spot in his chair, and puts his hands on Denis's shoulders to calm him down. "Yes, everyone's okay. Calm the hell down." Denis stepped back and sat against the wall again. "What time is it..?" Denis asks, staring blankly at the tiled floor beneath him. "It's 5:30. It's almost 6. We'll be able to leave soon," Albert answers. "As soon as we leave, I wanna call the police," Denis pulled his knees up to his chest and rested his face on them.
"Good idea."

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