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Denis and Albert whipped their heads around to see a girl with black hair staring back at them.


"Call me Tiffany-" She cut herself off as she looked at the man that was upon Albert's back. "Bingo."

"Hey, what are you-" The girl's quick reflexes caught Albert off-guard as she sprinted towards him.

He soon felt the weight gone from his back lift off completely. He sent a frenzied look towards the direction of the girl.


Tiffany raised a brow. "You know this goof?" She tilted her head at Kaden who was laid upon her shoulder.

"He's our friend! What are you trying to pull here?!" Denis shouted as he slowly made his way towards the girl.

"Never expected him to be friends with people like you. Then again," She glanced at the redhead once more, "the kid's full of surprises."

"What are you talking about?"

Tiffany quickly covered her mouth. "Oops.. I have to shut myself up before I spill more." She turned around, but looked back one more time. "Good luck trying to get outta here. Oh, and by the way, your little friend is not far from here." And she vanished.

"She has to be talking about Dani!" Denis realized as he got ready to run off in any direction, but Albert stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"What about Kaden?!"

Denis's arms went limp and he stood straight again. "We can't just leave her.. She's around here somewhere.."

Albert thought for a quick moment and made a decision. "Alright, let's look for Dani, but we have to go and find Kaden again."

Denis nodded in agreement, and they ran off.


"z.. 0z.. g0z... G0Z!"

Kaden jolted up with a gasp. "WHERE-"

Someone covered his mouth with their hand.

"Shut up. You're with me now."

Kaden's eyes traveled up to the face of his captor.

"Tiffany? When did you get here?" He asked as soon as the girl backed off.

The ravenette laughed. "Cmon, g0z, did ya really think I'd leave you with them?"

Kaden smirked. "No. Not even for a second," He leaned in closer, "and would ya stop calling me g0z? That's just a code name. Call me Kaden."

Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Kaden."

Kaden smiled again. "Much better."

The redhead took in his surroundings. They seemed to be in some gladiator arena.

"Where are we? Where's the pizzeria?" He asked after looking around.

"This arena we're in is my.. domain, you could say. And about the pizzeria, I got rid of it. Didn't see a reason to keep it around. After all, it is my dreamworld."

Kaden sighed. "Yeah, but I liked the place. It brought up some good memories."

Tiffany put a hand on his shoulder. "Well, once we're done with this, I'll bring it back. Just for you."

Kaden hung his head low. "Thanks, Tiff."

The girl retracted her hand and stood up, holding her hand out for Kaden who took it.

"I'm going to go set up a game for our friends who will arrive any minute now," said Tiffany, walking towards the center of the arena.

"What do I do? Do I act like I'm still unconscious when they get here, or just give it to 'em straight?"

"Hmm.. Acting like you're still unconscious would be interesting. Yeah, do that." Tiffany flashed an unnerving smile. "C'mere, I'll tie you up for a greater effect."

Kaden walked to her and she pulled out some rope. She then pointed to a spot close to the arena for him to sit down at. Finally, she tied his hands and legs together, but loose enough to where he could easily slip out.

"There. Perfect. Now, it's time to wait."


"Dani! Dani, where are you! Shout if you can hear me!" Denis yelled out to his sister, hoping she could hear him and that Tiffany didn't hurt her.

"-ver here.." They could hear someone shout through the void.

"That has to be Dani!" Denis dragged Albert along with him as he ran to the source of the voice.

"Denis! Albert! Kaden!" They could hear her voice much clearer now, but there was still no physical sign of her.

"I can't see her," Albert said to Denis in a hushed voice. "What if this is just Tiffany or another one of her minions toying with us?"

"You could be right, but we still have to check," Denis felt the familiar feeling of tears building up, "otherwise, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I left her behind."

Albert patted his friend a few times to soothe him. "Don't worry, let's go check it out."

Denis nodded and they resumed walking towards the cries for help.

They both felt hands on their shoulders and turned around in surprise. Standing before them was, what seemed to be, Dani.

Denis immediately brought his sister into a hug, but quickly pulled back and eyed her. "Are you really Dani? Or are you an imposter?"

"What are you talking about? It's me, your sister." The girl in front of him looked hurt, but he had to make sure.

"Alright, what's the name of my dog?"

"Oh, that's easy, Masha," Dani responded with a smile.

Denis let out a sigh of relief and pulled his sister into another hug. "I was so worried. Why'd you have to go out by yourself without telling us?"

"I'm sorry, I just lost my patience and couldn't wait anymore. I'm so sorry.." She buried her head deeper into her brother's shoulder.

"Hey, it's alright. It's over and done with. Well, for the most part."

"What do you mean? What happened?" She asked as she looked at the two. "And where's Kaden."

"He was kidnapped by Tiffany Mayumi. We have to get him back and get out of here," Albert says. Dani notices a fire in his eyes.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get him back and get rid of Tiffany," Dani said with a smile.

"Couldn't agree more."

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