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A half hour later, the group hears a happy chiming all around them as the clock struck 6 A.M. "THANK GOD!" Dani yelled out in excitement. They are finally able to leave this hell hole that they were stuck inside of for six hours. "Let's get outta here!" Albert shouted as he bolted out of the security room door, his friends not far behind him.

"It's unlocked!" Albert shouts for joy once again as he tugged on the handle, the door swinging open. "Fresh air..." His voice trailed off as he was met with a dark, black void. "Wait- What is this?" Kaden asks, not entirely sure if he was going crazy or not. "We're never getting out of here.." Denis says, laughing awkwardly. "Wait, guys- it could just be because it's pitch black outside," Dani theorizes. "It's fucking 6 A.M., Dani.." Albert says solemnly. "Yeah? It's also winter, dumbass! It's darker outside during this time of year!" Dani tries to defend herself, but even she was having second guesses.

"I'm gonna check if it's just dark outside or if we're really in trouble.." Denis says as he walks out into the void. "Is there ground to step on?" Albert yells to Denis. "Yeah, but it's light and squishy.." Denis answers.

The three others step out and feel the ground beneath them. "This is like a fever dream.." Dani says while slightly bouncing on whatever they're standing on. "Hey guys? We're not alo-" Denis is cut off by something grabbing him and pulling him into the void. "NOT AGAIN- DENIS!" Dani shouts and runs after the thing that snatched her brother. Albert groaned, but ran after them, dragging Kaden along with him by the arm.


It's been at least an hour or two since the three amigos ran after their stolen friend. They were still treading on the pitch black, bouncy floor. "This is useless.." Kaden grumbled out, obviously tired and tired of being dragged by his arm. "No, we have to find him. We can't just leave without hi-" Albert cut Dani off. "And leave to where? We're literally in a void with nothing else in sight! We're basically dead!" Dani closed her mouth, and they kept walking.

After about another hour of walking, they stumble upon a run-down building. Great. More creepy buildings to explore. Albert thought to himself. "Should we go inside, or keep walking?" Kaden asked as he shook out of Albert's grip. "Yeah, why not? Denis might be in there," Albert grumbled and walked towards the entrance. "What's inside?" Dani asked from behind Albert. "I-It's the same goddamn pizzeria.." He answers and stumbles back a bit.

"Alright, well, we should probably go inside since it's the only shelter around here," Kaden says as he began walking into the pizzeria. Albert yanked him by the arm, pulling him back out. "What the fuck?! Are you crazy?" He snarls.

"What else is there for us to do? Suffer to death in a pitch black void?" Countered Kaden. He pulled his arm from Albert's hand and walked back into the building. "This is crazy. You're crazy..!" Albert whisper yelled as he and Dani followed Kaden.

The group walked until they found the same old security room. "Ah, the memories.." Albert comments sarcastically. They stepped inside to find Denis knocked out on the tiled floor. Dani rushed over to her brother, glad to have finally found him. Albert walked over and shook his knocked out friend. "Yo, wake up, moron." Denis' eyes fluttered open and he sat up. "What's going on..?" He asked as he watched his 2 friends and sister stare at him.

"Don't ask us. We got no clue what's going on.." Kaden answers as he puts up his hands. "Yeah, well, we seem to be stuck at the same place as last time." Albert says as he looked up at the clock that was hung up in the room. "And it's back to 12 A.M..." He continues. Denis slowly stands up. "That's just lovely.." Albert grinned. "Isn't it?"

They repeated the steps to survive. The watched the marionette, reset the generators, reset the ventilation systems, and watched out for the animatronics.

"This has to be a lucid dream. I'm not actually awake right now.." Kaden says as they're all sitting down in the security room. "Maybe you're right. Maybe we're just asleep at our homes.." Dani agreed. "But weren't we all in Kaden's car hours ago? That couldn't have been a dream," Denis says, debunking their dream theory.

"That could've been a dream too, y'know," Albert sighed out as he laid his head back onto the wall behind his chair. Denis rolled his eyes. "Right.. Then how're we all communicating perfectly fine if this is a dream?" "Okay, well, whatever the hell this is, I want out of it," Kaden grumbles. Don't we all.

They sit there for a while in uncomfortable silence until the alarms for the generators go off. "Didn't we just turn those back on?" Dani panicked. "Yeah. Whatever, let's just go and turn em back on," Albert says, motioning Kaden to come with him.

The two make their way to the generator rooms and turn both machines on. That was too quick.. Albert thinks to himself. He exits the generator one room and looks into the second generator room to find an animatronic in the doorway and Kaden frozen in the room. Shit! Albert looks around him for a weapon to temporarily stop the animatronic and lays his eyes on a fallen sign. He picks up the sign and jams the metal end of it into the animatronic, stunning it. "Kaden! Let's go! Now!" He yells to his friend and they both sprint to the security room.

"Why're you two out of breath?" Dani asks Kaden and Albert. "Long story short, almost got killed by an animatronic," Kaden says, laughing a little. "Mm, nice," Denis comments. Albert threw him a dirty look before he slumped back down into his chair. Denis playfully put his hands up. "My bad." Albert waved it off. "Yeah, whatever man."

i'm starting to feel like i'm making this into a very non-understandable story- like everything is so repetitive and boring i feel like.

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