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The four friends were currently taking turns sleeping and keeping watch. It was currently Albert's turn on watch.

It was about 4 A.M. when the brunette heard soft, metal clanking coming from the North hallway. "Goddamn it, not again.." He groaned as he quietly stood up to not wake his friends and cause a panic.

He quickly made his way to the entrance of the hallway to find a metal cupcake rolling around on the ground in front of him. The hell is this? He thinks as he slowly crept towards the cupcake. He freezes in his tracks as he finally remembers the cupcake.

He spins around and begins to run back to the security room, but it was too late. She grabbed ahold of him and put him in a choke hold of some sort. "GAH-" Albert gasped out. He quickly sucked in some air and let out a scream to alert his friends.

Back in the security room, Denis and Dani wake up to Albert's shrill scream, while Kaden somehow slept through it. The two siblings scrambled to their feet, and sprinted towards the scream.

"ALBERT?!" Denis yells as he finds his friend in a choke hold by a.. chicken animatronic? "H-Help me.." Albert manages to grumble out. Denis panicked as he watched as his friend went limp in the metallic arms.

The tall brunette ran towards the animatronic and began to pry its arms apart just enough for Albert to slide out. "DANI, COME HELP ME!" He yells as he begins to drag Albert away from the metal chicken that began chasing them. Dani quickly grabbed ahold of Albert's other arm and began to also drag their friend back to the security room.

They managed to shut the door before the animatronic could get in. Denis propped Albert up against the wall. "How is he still asleep?" Dani asked, pointing at Kaden, who was peacefully sleeping. "I don't know.. He must be a deep sleeper," Denis says, sighing after.

God, all of us are dropping like flies. One. By. One. Denis thinks to himself while keeping an eye on Albert. How did we ever end up in such a fucked up situation..? His thoughts continue until he accidentally falls asleep. Lucky for him, his sister is still awake and took it upon herself to continue to watch over the sleeping Albert and Kaden, letting her brother get some rest.


When the clock struck 6 A.M., Dani shook up her brother and her friends. "Ngh.. What time is it..?" Albert asked, groggily rubbing his eyes. "It's 6 A.M. Let's go and find out if we can finally leave," Dani says, already making her way towards the entrance/exit.

When all four friends were gathered in front of the doors, Denis did the honor of opening them. They were met with a familiar deep, black void once again. "What if we just stayed here..?" Kaden suggests, not wanting to deal with whatever creature that is out there that took Denis.

"That's a reasonable idea, but what if there's some sort of an exit out there?" Dani tries to reason. "Man, I don't wanna go back out there again. Don't you remember what happened last time? Nope!" Albert rambled, starting to get jittery.

Denis placed a hand on his sister's shoulder. "I think we should try staying here for now," He says, "I don't think the animatronics work during the day." Dani thought about it for a moment before nodding her head. "Okay, but if nothing works by staying, we're going back out into the void," She states, crossing her arms.

The group was sitting at a party table before Albert had an idea. "Hey, guys, wanna play some arcade games?" He asked with a smirk. "Hell yeah!" Kaden yells as he leaps up from his chair and run to the arcade. Albert looks back at Dani and Denis. "Y'all wanna come?" He asks the siblings. They nod their heads and follow Albert into the arcade.

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