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The other three were still in the security room, Albert and Denis trying to figure out a way to wake up their friend.

"What if we have to carry him?" Albert suggested, losing hope of Kaden waking up anytime soon.

Denis impatiently groaned. "We won't be able to carry him a long distance," he winced, "and whatever that.. thing.. is out there will target him."

"Okay, well, I'm going to check up on Dani. Stay here." Albert slips out of the room and speed-walks to the entrance. "Hey, Dani, What-"

Albert stops mid-sentence as he finds that no one is by the entrance. "Dani?" He calls out, looking behind things.

"Dani, this isn't funny. Stop playing with me. We don't have time for this," He calls out once more before noticing the door was slightly cracked open.

"Don't tell me.."

He opens the door and is welcomed by the void. Please, please tell me she didn't go out there.

He runs back to the security office to tell Denis.

"Denis, your sister ran out-"

"What do you mean she 'ran out'?" Denis raised his brow.

"She-" Albert paused to catch his breath before continuing, "She ran out of the building. Into the void."

Denis laughed nervously. "Y-You're kidding. Right?" He stood up. "Tell me you're kidding!"

Albert averted his gaze. "I'm not kidding."

Denis's figure slumped. "What do we do..? We have to go back out there.. We can't just leave her."

Albert sighed. "We don't even know which direction she went. It's pitch black!"

Denis felt as if though he were about to explode from all the different emotions that were coursing through him. He took a big, shaky breath and tried to think of a way out of this situation.

"I mean, the void can't be endless, right? There has to be an end." Denis kneeled next to Kaden to pick him up.

"What are you suggesting?" Albert asked, but he knew the answer.

"We look around the entire void for Dani and a way out," Denis answered while putting Kaden on his back.

Albert pointed at the unconscious Kaden, "Yeah? What about him, huh? Thought you said that we can't travel far with him unconscious, otherwise the thing will get him."

Kaden was now fully onto Denis's back. "Well, I think the thing may not be able to drag to people at once-"

Albert cut him off, "And what if it can? What do we, or I, do then?"

Denis smiled weakly.

"Then we're stuck with no way out, and, inevitably, die."


Dani has been walking for, what it seems, hours. "Denis is gonna be so angry with me if I ever see him again.." She mumbled to herself, not noticing someone following her.

"Don't worry—" Dani whipped her head around to face a girl with a black ponytail laid gently on her shoulder.

"—you'll see him soon enough."

"Who the hell are y-" Dani was cut off by the girl.

"You can call me Tiffany," the girl paced around her, "You can say I'm the one who put you all here.."

Dani laughed. "Seriously? A fake Roblox myth that Albert hunted? You've got to be kidding. There's no way you're for re-"

Tiffany cut her off once more. "If I were kidding, all of you wouldn't be here right now."

"Okay, but how'd you send us here? Your myth has nothing to do with FNAF!" Dani glared at the girl before her.

Tiffany just giggled, "You can do virtually anything when you're a myth. We're not just restricted to one story, ya know.." She kept pacing. "Aaanddd, FNAF just sounded like fun! Plus, I'm certain the four of you have the experience from the game."

"Whatever, just send us back!" Dani demanded, getting ready to get physical if needed.

Tiffany shrugged. "No can do. The only way you can escape from here is by defeating me." She grinned devishly as she continued, "But there's no way someone like you can kill someone like me.

Dani smiled nervously. "You sure 'bout that?"


Albert, Denis, and Kaden have been walking for about thirty minutes now; Kaden still unconscious.

"He's starting to weigh me down.." Denis groaned, his back having taken the weight of Kaden for almost an hour.

"Lemme carry him," Albert suggests. Denis just nodded his head and gently set Kaden down onto the airy ground. Albert picked him up and set him on his back carefully.

Denis groaned as he stretched out his back.

"We all have to be in some sort of coma. There's no way this is real life."

Albert looked at his friend with tired eyes. "You never know. We could be in some sort of government experimentation. Anything's possible nowadays."

They stopped talking for a bit; the only sounds they could hear were their soft footsteps on the airy floor and the occasional sigh.

Albert could've sworn, though, that he had heard giggling in the distance. He just waved it off as he assumed it was because he was tired.

"Hey, Albert? Are you hearing that?" Denis stopped walking.

"What? What are you hearing..." Albert trailed off as laughter began to surround them.

All of a sudden, the laughter stopped.


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