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"Hmm, they have some aged cereal?" Kaden says, holding up a box of expired Froot Loops. "Bleh.." Dani fake-gagged, putting her hand around her throat. "Oh, c'mon, we can't afford to be picky here," Kaden stated, shoving the box into Dani's hand. The brunette groaned, but she took the box and grabbed a bowl.

Denis was looking for some waffles or at least some eggs. He wasn't about to have expired cereal. "Ugh, this place has barely any food for breakfast.." He whined, shutting the fridge door after giving up on looking for eggs. Kaden smirked and held up the expired cereal box. "Want some?" Denis made a face. "I'm good. Thanks, though.."

After awhile, Denis found some bread and cheese and just decided to make some grilled cheese sandwiches. "Any of you guys like grilled cheese?" He shouted at the three sitting at the table. Dani and Albert raised their hands. "Kaden, you want one?" He asked, worried the red-head would get sick eating the expired food. Kaden hesitantly raised his hand. "Alright, 4 grilled cheeses comin up!"

After about 10 minutes, all 4 sandwiches were done, and Denis was sitting at the table with the rest of the group. "Man, this sandwich reminds of how much I miss home," Dani said, lowing her head in sadness. Denis threw her a sad smile, "We'll get out of here. Don't worry." She sighed, "We've been saying that for 3 nights now.." "She's got a point.." Albert says, throwing it out there. Denis shot him a quick glare before going back to comforting his sister. "This is the night. I've got a feeling," He says, giving her a quick side hug. She laughed lightly, "I hope you're right.." "I'm always right."

About 20 minutes later, after they were done eating, Denis was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes again. Kaden sneaked into the kitchen to scare the taller. "RAH!" The red-head jumped up from behind Denis, causing the taller to splash water on the other. "Jesus, Kaden! What the hell?!" Denis shouted while Kaden was laughing his ass off. "S-Sorry- It w-was j-just.. the perfect o-opportunity.." Kaden apologized in between laughs. Denis just rolled his eyes and started drying his hands off before he handed the towel to Kaden.

"Thanks, I guess," Denis said out of the blue. Kaden cocked his head to the side in confusion, "Thanks for what?" "I've been anxious lately, and that stunt you just pulled scared the nerves outta me. I think," Denis explained. "Ah. Well in that case, you're welcome!" Kaden said in a sing-song voice as he made his way out of the kitchen and to the arcade where Dani and Albert were. Denis just laughed to himself while he put away the dishes, walking to the arcade after he was done.

He entered the room to see his friends and sister drawing on pieces of paper. "What are you guys doin?" He asked, pulling up a chair to sit with them. "Oh, we're having a drawing contest. Wanna join?" Dani asked, handing her brother a paper and a pencil. Denis shrugged, "Why not?"

The 4 began drawing snowmen as their first topic, voting anonymously after they were done. Surprisingly, Denis won the first round. "When did you get so good at drawing?" Dani asked, clearly surprised at her brother's hidden talent. "I took some drawing and animations classes in high school and college," Denis answered with a shrug.

Albert suggested that they draw him. "Narcissist much? Gosh.." Dani mumbled under her breath. Albert raised a brow. "What'd ya say 'bout me?" He asked. Dani put on a fake smile, "Oh, I said nothing at all." They then got to drawing Albert.

Kaden won this time. "Wow, Kaden, I love your art style!" Dani squealed, grabbing Kaden's drawing and staring at it. "Glad you like it," Kaden said, rubbing his neck nervously. Albert laid his head on his arms. "Ughh, I hate this game. I'm not good at drawing.." He complained. "Boo hoo, you wanted to play, and you even chose a topic," Dani sneered. Albert groaned but kept playing.

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