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The group turned around to see that Kaden now mounted the gun and wore a crazed smile.

"You think you've won?!" He repeats, readying the laser.

Albert gets up and stares down his 'friend.' "You won't shoot." He begins to smile himself. "You won't shoot because you need me." Denis and Dani stand up as well.

He could barely see Kaden's smile falter. "And what would I need you for, exactly?" Irritation laced his voice.

"Without me, you won't have myths. Like Tiffany." Albert's smile warped into a smirk.

Kaden's grin turned into a scowl. "Shut up."
But he quickly turned his frown upside down as he averted the laser's sight from Albert to Denis and Dani. "I may need you.. But I don't need them!"

"Shit, run!" He yells to his friends. Denis and Dani run one way while Albert runs the other.

Unlike Tiffany, Kaden begins to fire the laser at the pillar, slowly cutting into the tough rock.

"Damn! He's trying to cut through the pillar!" Denis turns to his sister, "We're going to have to run again soon." Dani just nods.

Albert peeks out from behind his pillar and points his pistol at Kaden. "I'm sorry.." But, before he can pull the trigger, Kaden notices him and swiftly rotates the laser over to Albert. "I'm not clueless, unlike someone."

Albert slid behind one of the pillars just before it was too late. "Albert! You okay?!" Denis called out, peeking his head out from his pillar.

"Yes! Now get the fuck back!" Albert said, waving his hand to signal to Denis to stop peeking.

"What did we ever do to you?! Why are you literally trying to kill us?!" Albert screamed at Kaden, pissed off and hurt that one of his best friends is trying to put them in their graves.

"You're getting in my way! Tiffany and I have worked too hard on this just for it to go to waste!" Kaden yelled back, still penetrating Albert's pillar with the laser.

"What was all this for anyways?! You're gonna get caught and thrown in prison!" Albert would yell back, getting ready to move onto the next pillar. His current one was almost ready to topple over onto him.

"Not if I clean up this evidence!" Kaden yelled with a sadistic smile plastered on his face. The laser finally cut through the entire pillar, causing Albert to move onto the next. As he sprinted to the neighboring pillar, the laser managed to singe off some of his shirt.

While Kaden was busy trying to kill Albert, Denis poked his head and gun out, setting his sights on his former friend. He could feel his finger shaking over the trigger. All I have to do is put him out of commission, right? I don't have to actually kill him, do I?

Without anymore hesitation, he began to shoot at Kaden's arms. He managed to put some bullets in both arms, Kaden's arms going limp and the laser turned off.

The red head let out multiple screams of agony as his eyes widened at his bloodied arms. Denis sighed in relief as he lowered his gun and cautiously stepping out from behind the pillar, signaling to Dani to stay put.

Kaden turned around, his eyes wide with bloodlust. "YOU! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!" He'd yell at Denis, staggering away from the laser.

"You've lost, Kaden. And you're going to prison.. for a long time." Denis said as he passed Kaden, making his way towards Albert.

"THIS IS NOT OVER!" Kaden yelled out again. "Oh, but it is." Denis replied, his arm under Albert to support him.

Dani had found a wall phone and dialed 911. "Police will be here any minute now!" She'd shout to the others. "Thanks, Dani." Denis would shout back.

After a few minutes, Kaden was sat up against the wall, a scowl on his face. Denis managed to tie him up while the police were on their way. When they got there, they put Kaden into custody and spoke with the other three for 30 minutes to get all of the details.

Soon, they were allowed to go home. They opened the doors and found that the void was gone. They stepped out and found themselves outside the abandoned warehouse they entered earlier.

"This is fucking weird.." Albert wondered aloud. "Where's the void we were trapped in?"

Dani laughed. "I don't care anymore about that. I'm just happy we're out of it." Denis nodded. "Couldn't agree more."

Albert would smile before he felt a wave of exhaustion crash over him. He closed his eyes...

...then he woke up.

Sorry that this chapter took forever to be published. I just couldn't figure out an ending? and I just felt like this book was going nowhere. Thank you for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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