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After about thirty minutes, the three found themselves in front of an arena.

"What the hell is this place? A colosseum?" Denis wondered aloud as he was taking in the gigantic building.

"Who knows? Maybe Kaden and Tiffany are in there," Dani said as she pointed towards the entrance. "Wanna head in to take a look?"

"Yeah, Dani's right. Let's go," Albert decided, already making his way to the door.

Dani quickly grabbed his arm. "Wait, let's sneak in quietly, got it? We could put Kaden in danger if we storm in there."

Albert just nodded and pulled his arm from his friend's grasp. They then slowly crept in through the door.

The first thing that caught their eyes was the huge space inside of the arena. Dani had to stop herself from letting out a gasp.

Denis's eyes eventually stopped on a tied-up Kaden.

"Guys! Look, it's Kaden!" He whisper-yelled to his friends.

"Tiffany's going to pay for this.." Albert grumbled to himself as they quietly walked towards the 'unconscious' Kaden.

When they got to him and started to untie him they heard shuffling coming from behind Kaden.

"Ah, so you've finally found your way here.." The girl's head turned to Kaden, "Quit fakin', faker." She landed a quick hit to his head after the command.

Kaden rubbed his head and pouted. "Oww.. You didn't have to hit me that hard.." His pouty face was soon replaced by a sinister grin the second he caught his friends' eyes. "It seems you guys found me out."

Albert grabbed his 'friend' by the collar. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" Kaden just stared at him, the same smirk still plastered across his face.

Tiffany, on the other hand, had made it to the center of the arena and looked as though she was getting ready for something. "That question will be answered soon enough, imbecile."

Albert let go of the red head's collar abruptly, causing the other to fall to the floor with a loud thud and groan. He was beginning to feel impatience creep up on him. "No.. I'm not waiting." He began walking towards the ravenette myth. "I'm getting my answer. Right. FUCKING. NOW."

If it weren't for Denis pulling him down to the floor and behind a pillar, Albert would have been skewered by a red laser.

"You idiot! You get too carried away!" Denis's grip on Albert's arm grew tighter as the other began to tense up and start to move. "Stay still, damnit!"

"How can I?! One of my best friends is probably a psychotic killer, and this witch is trying to kill us all!" Albert was practically seething at this point.

As he began to wriggle in his grasp, Denis spoke up again, "If you don't fucking sit still, we're all gonna die, you hear me! We're dead if you try going into this blind!"

Albert stopped wriggling as he searched Denis's face and looked over at Dani, who was curled up beside her brother.

"Fine." Albert grunted begrudgingly and kneeled down beside his friends. "Then what the hell do we do?"

Denis took in a shaky breath and began to speak, "Okay, we're gonna have to defeat this son of a bitch.." He looked around for anything they could use as a weapon when his eyes stopped on a few stray guns. "Alright," He pointed to the guns, "see those? We need to somehow get our hands on them."

Albert eyed the guns for a moment. "What if they don't have ammo? What do we do then?"

Denis groaned as he looked up. "Listen, we'll worry about that when the time comes. First, let's just worry about how we're gonna get the guns."

The guns were fortunately behind another pillar, so the person getting them won't have to be out in the open for more time. The question was: who was going to risk their lives for some guns?

"I'll do it," Albert spoke as he sat up slightly.

"Wait, we should-"

Albert cut Denis off. "I think I'll be able to do it faster. Plus, you should stay here with Dani."

"Fine. Just.. Don't die."

Albert grinned mischievously. "I won't, I promise."
He then fully stood up and sprinted to the next pillar, a crimson beam quickly trailing behind him.

"Haha! How d'ya like my gun!" Tiffany laughed as she turned the gun as fast as she could to catch up with Albert.

As he felt the laser singe his shirt, he was finally behind the cover of the pillar. He examined the guns and saw they were all pistols. Next, he checked the magazines for ammo. He sighed in relief as he found full magazines in all 3 guns.

He pocketed his gun and set the other two in his hands and prepared himself for another high speed race back to the other pillar.

"I don't think so!" Tiffany manically screamed, rotating her gun with more force.

This time, the laser cut through this shirt to his skin, causing him to fall as he made it to the protection of the pillar.

"Albert!" Denis rushed over to his friend who was currently face first on the ground. He noticed a burn mark on the back of Albert's shirt.

The other groaned as he sat back up, the burn on his back scorching like hell. "Are you okay? Can you still stand?" Denis began to bombard him with questions that he just waved away. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It just burns."

He tossed his friends their guns. "Alright, how do we wanna do this."

Dani spoke up, "We need a distraction. That laser is going to get us the second we stick out our guns."

Denis faced his sister. "What do you have in mind?"

"Two of us could probably run in separate directions, causing Tiffany to choose which one to point the laser at. The person that stays behind should have enough to time to get a couple shots in to kill her."

"That's actually a great idea." Albert said, a little dumbfounded.

Dani snorted. "I have a lot of great ideas, you just don't listen." Albert just shrugged in response.

"Okay, well, I think Dani should stay behind and take the final shots while Albert and I run in different directions."

"Sounds like a plan," Albert threw a thumbs up Dani's way, "Good luck." Dani smiled nervously, "You too."

Denis patted her shoulder, "You can do this." "Thank you."

After reassuring each other, they got into their positions. "One." Denis's breath hitched. "Two." Dani's gun shook within her hands. "Three." Albert and Denis took off, the beam, this time, following Denis.

Dani quickly got Tiffany into the small scope of her gun. She pulled the trigger, the bullet digging itself into Tiffany's shoulder, causing her to lose control of the laser and scream in pain.

Dani reloaded her gun and quickly set her sights back into Tiffany. She pulled the trigger a second time; this bullet striking her chest, causing her to fall backwards to the ground.

A rush of relaxation washed over Dani as she watched Tiffany fall to the floor. Denis ran to his sister, enveloping her into a hug, Albert joining the group hug not a second later.

"You think you've won?"

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