Chapter 1

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"Briana?" My mom spoke while trying to wake me up. "Wake up, it's time for school!" She rolled her eyes.

I opened my eyes and looked around. It couldn't be, my first day of 11th grade. I got up and walked to my dresser. I felt dizzier than usual. My stomach hurt too, I couldn't tell if I was excited or sad about school starting.

"Get ready!!" She yelled. "You're going to be late!"

I got my clothes on, and walked to the kitchen where my mom stood. She was making waffles.

"Hurry and eat." She said handing me a plate.

"Thank you mom." I said, gently placing it on the table. I finished eating and kissed her cheek goodbye.

"Good luck sweetie!" She softly sighed and waved.

I walked out the door and went to the bus stop. I was nervous. I saw the bus and started feeling butterflies in my stomach, the bus pulled beside us, nearly hitting the curb. I watched the door open, and we all made our way in. I sat down in the closest spot I could, not realizing there was someone there. After a couple of silent moments I decided to say something.

"Hi." I shyly spoke hesitating to make any eye contact.

"Who are you? Are you new here?" The voice said rather puzzled.

"Yes. It's my first day here." I said leaning my head on the cushion in front of me from the other seat.

The bus driver shushed us signaling that we were to loud. The whole way to the school after that point was silent. We finally made our stop at the school. I looked at the window, praying that today would be a somewhat good day, I never went to a new school. I was always so used to Cardington school, where I was raised going to. I sighed and looked at the school. It was much bigger than Cardington, I'm not sure if I will get used to seeing so many students, I was the first one to get out of the bus. I walked into the colossal building and walked to the office, there was a kind lady my mom spoke to over the phone.

"Miss. Kilgore?" I asked hesitating."Are you Miss. Kilgore?" I sat down.

She was talking to someone over the phone, I realized how rude I was for interrupting her phone conversation. Minutes later she said Goodbye and hung up, glaring at me. I felt like she was judging my appearance or trying to recognize me.

"What can I help you with, dear?" She looked at her attendance papers, counting the students who have attended school today.

"I-I need a tour of the school.. I haven't got one yet.." My voice starting cracking.

"I'm busy dear, I'll call a student down here, and they'll give you a small tour. Is that alright with you, miss?" She asked picking up her phone and dialing a number.

"Yes.." I looked at the students walking down the hall. "How many students go to this school?" I asked out of curiosity.

It took her a couple of moments to guess, but she soon spoke.

"1,200." She said with pride. She then picked up the phone and put it up to her ear.

"Wow.." I took a deep breath. I glared into her eyes and couldn't help but notice that she had beautiful bright blue eyes. She was young and stunning, and seemed to be an always-happy person.

"Hello, Mrs. Metze? I need you to send a student down, please, I have a new student here that desperately needs a tour. She never got one." She said in shame. She then looked at me and smiled. She had beautifully perfect teeth.

"Okay, a student will be right down!" The voice on the other line assured.

"Thank you." Miss. Kilgore hung the telephone up. She glazed at me. "What's your name?"

"Briana." I said with a gulp. Just then the doors of the office opened. I couldn't help but jump because of how loud it was. I looked over, and there was this tall, curly-haired student smirking at me.

"So you're new?" He chuckled.

"Yes.. I-"

He interrupted me as he started talking.

"What's you're name, love?" He spoke calmly as his beautiful bright green orbs met my eyes.

"B-Briana." I hesitated fiddling with my hands in embarrassment.

He looked at Miss. Kilgore who was digging for a folder in her file cabinet. She then signaled me to come to her. I got up and walked to the desk, she then pulled out a piece of paper and pointed to the first Period.

"This is your math class, which is also your home room class." She looked at me and continued, "Your math teachers name is Mr. Maag, okay?"

"Mhm.." I grabbed the paper and looked at all the Periods and what time they started.

"Harry will show you the rest of your classes, and where to go. Now, remember, these students are in school currently, so be kind and don't be noisy in the halls."

"I know." I agreed, looking at the boy, I now knew his name was Harry.

"Well, let's go." He mumbled looking at my paper.

He then walked to the door and opened it, waiting for me to pass.

I walked past quickly, and thanked him.

He bit his lip as we skimmed through the halls. It was way to quiet, it almost seemed like there was no one in the school except for Harry and I. We then arrived at Mr. Maags class. He looked at me and winked.

"How about you meet him after school? He seems quite busy right now."

"I just want you to show me the rooms. I don't want to meet them all yet.." I sighed.

"So you're in 11th grade?" He asked rather random, but he had no problems asking.

"How did you know?!" I felt kind of creeped out.

We walked away from the room, I couldn't help but ask again.

"How did you know?!?!" I skeptically asked again, this time with anger.

He glanced at me in surprise. "Why aren't you a feisty one?" He winked. "I noticed because you are in Mr. Maags class, and he coincidentally happens to be a 11th grade teacher!" He chuckled.

"Oh.." I felt a glimpse of heat on my cheeks, and dropped my head in embarrassment.

He showed me where all my classes were, then we all packed up and left to go home.

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