Chapter 17

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I squinted my eyes to get a better view at the girl. Oh how awkward was this. This chick looked like a model! She had a sassy walk, her hips dropped from side to side each step she took. She was beautiful. I smiled at her and waved.

"Harry Styles." She winked at Harry. "It's been so long, my love!"

My smile drifted away when she called Harry "love". My hand planted on my hip, giving harry a stare down. Love? I just stared at Harry, waiting to see if he'd possibly introduce her to his "what so called girlfriend". I hope this wasn't anything I was thinking. I guess that's the that was expression that was located in my head. Ugh! What is happening? Obviously it's just a bit secluded. Suspicious I am.

"Why haven't you been texting me, Styles?" She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.

"Look! It's Gemma!" She smiled at me, acting like she's all of a sudden aware of my presence. This is ridiculous. Gemma? I look nothing like his sister! Her little paws are all over my boy like he's some kind of free sample. I'm pretty sure my Harry has a price tag on his heart, hunny. Yeah, priceless in other terms. The anger built up, then collapsing, turning into depression. I feel my heart break as I expected Harry to tell her who I was, and I was hoping Harry would get her sticky fingers off of him.

"I'm not his sister?" I sarcastically clarified to the amateur who is obviously unaware of Harry's family. I can recognize them by how they yawn, chick. If you don't know what his sisters appearance looks like compared to a smaller and younger structure then you need a pill or two. Alright, I have to confess, that was a little harsh there, Briana. I thought to myself, shaking my head. This girl could've saved a life. That was a little across the line.

Julia paid no attention to my worthless words. In her eyes, it was Harry, Harry, Harry. And Harry was allowing all! Just like he opened his arms and said, "I'm free!".

I walked to Harry tugging his arm. "Let's go home, Harry." Harry looked at me, trying to smile.

I couldn't help it.. That girl was creating a little burier between Harry and I. Causing problems and I haven't spoke barely anything. If Harry wants to keep this relationship alive, then he's just going to have to get rid of the girl. I'm not going to be the only one trying to save it.

"See you are his sister!" That little brat tried to prove her own false point.

"Girlfriend." I smiled sarcastically, grabbing Harry's free hand. Wow. That felt amazing to throw that out there. I felt kind of proud, I must say.

Harry's eyes widened. He was speechless and I don't know why.

"Girl-, wait, what?!" Julia panicked. "I'm his girlfriend!" She screamed. "I thought we had something, Harold."

"Yeah yeah, you wish." I rolled my eyes.

"I have a promise ring from him! He gave It to me before I left to Connecticut, for college." She cried.

What is going on? Why didn't Harry tell me? Why did he lie? How did they meet? When did they meet? How long have they dated? Did he have the same feeling he had with her like he does with me? Does he still have feelings for her? Did they break up?

The girl came off to be a bad person, trying to take my man, but in reality, she was reclaiming what seemed to be already hers.

She pulled the ring off of her finger, handing it to me. I observed the ring. A lump in my throat formed, forcing me to have this intense urge to cry.

"I can explain. This isn't what it looks like." Harry pleaded.

Before I knew it, I felt a tear fall. The first tear came from my left eye. When you cry, if the first tear comes out of the left eye, then It's a tear of sadness, and if the first tear that drops comes from the right, the cause is happiness. At least that's what I've heard.

I walked past him and shoved the ring on his chest, releasing it.

"Briana.." I heard his footsteps following mine. I turned around to find Harry in tears. As much as that hurt me, It's his fault.

"Harry, I'm better on my own." I watched his eyes. As much as I wanted to comfort him, I just couldn't. My words were false, hollow. I needed Harry and I wasn't better without him. Why Harry, why? I watched Julia's teary eyes, watching Harry.

I turned around and ran away from them. A look back was all I needed, then out of sight I was. Tears streaming down my face, heart broken, cold, lonely, a fool.. A fool for you. Crazy.. Crazy over you. I shook my head. Why Harry? Why? When I approached the sidewalk I took off my heels. They made my feet hurt and I suppose running and high heels didn't mix well.

When I arrived home my mother wasn't there, but my dad was sound asleep, including Alexis as well. I made my way up the stairs, throwing the heels in my closet. Last time I'm wearing those things. I threw myself on my bed and crawled under the blankets. I shut my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but over-thinking won the war and sleep was no option. I sluggishly let myself fall from the bed onto the floor. That's better. My eye lids felt heavy, I closed them and fell into a light sleep.

*2 hours later*

My eyes shot open. What was that noise? I reached my cell phone and glanced at the time. Have a good 4 phone calls from Harry. It's 1 o'clock a.m! I closed my eyes once more, until I heard the loud noise once again. I stood up, walking around the room. I walked to the window and opened the curtain, peering out. There was Harry on the ground, throwing roses at my window. Ugh. I just can't forgive or even speak to him yet. I'm so let down. He was in another relationship.. I mean I don't know, they could've talked everyday, all day. Well. Not exactly, because I know the real Harry. He wouldn't do that to me. He could've warned me instead of covering it up with a lie. I unlocked the window and opened it.

"Bree-Bree, can we talk?"

"No, you best go. Harry Edward, you made a mistake." I rested my palms on the windowsill. "You'll learn from it."

"Well, looks like I'm coming in." He walked away from the view I saw and charged towards the front door. Great.

When I turned around Harry was already behind me, towering over me.

"Harry.. You don't understand what your actions did to me."

I watched his eyes darken. It wasn't a great feeling because when his eyes darken, so does his mood. "Harry?"

He peered up at me. He wasn't going to dare to blink.

"I don't love her." The words repeated in my mind.

He leaned in, attempting to kiss me. I walked to the doorway and leaned against the wood. He turned his head, staring at me. It gave me the chills. I took a deep breath and walked to the stairs, quietly walking down to the living room. Avoiding Harry will make him leave, right? I wondered. After a few silent moments, Harry bolted down the stairs and sprung himself on the couch, beside me.

"I'm hungry, lets go for a date." He winked.

Seriously? At 1:30 in the morning? I pulled out my phone and pretended like I was texting a long lost friend named Toby, only because I knew Harry was paying close attention to the screen. I just wanted him to feel the same way I do to get a glimpse of how the game's played. Once he read the opening of the message I was presently typing, he gripped my phone and blasted it onto the kitchen tile. My jaw dropped. I was trying to find the right words to say, but I think I swallowed them whole. The only thing I had the chance to type was "Wanna hango-" and then what do you know? One moment my phones in my hands, in my control, the next it's shattered on the surface of the tile.

My heart pounded louder than drums. I was frightened to make eye contact with Harry. I was afraid to get a glimpse of his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2013 ⏰

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