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Jungkook relaxes on the couch, feeling a bit better, as he scrolls through the TV. He felt relieved after apologizing to Seokjin as it was making him feel guilty for the past night, making it hard for him to sleep since all he saw was the omega's heartbroken face floating in front of him.

The Seoul producer-model pair had soon left with Taehyung after the breakfast, and Jimin left a while after for work. After helping with cleaning, Jungkook went on to help with raking the yard and fixing whatever that needed to be fixed around the house to prepare for the upcoming party over the weekend. Then he had gone to the gym to exercise and only just came back for a rest instead of going back to his own apartment because they needed to stock up on the food.

After freshening up, he decided to put on a crime show. He continues watching the show, lying down and getting comfortable on the couch when his mother walks in.

"You know, you need to stop bringing Hoseok into the conversation on purpose," he says, looking at the shorter woman.

His mom stops in front of him, hands on her hips. "What, why can't I? He hasn't been coming to visit at all since your brother and his boyfriend came."

"So?" Jungkook asks. It was true, Hoseok became an integral part of the family ever since Yoongi left, always coming to visit and even staying in his own designated room that his mother had kept. Of course, their house felt odd since Hoseok who would normally show up for his mother everyday hasn't for the past few days. His mother had been heartbroken after Yoongi dropped out and moved away to Japan, and with his own dilemma in following his father's footsteps (going after events after events and following the older man to work), he never managed to give time to her. So, he understood his mother's attachment to the other omega.

"So? If he comes, maybe your brother and he will get back together."

"Mom, you know hyung is dating Seokjin...who is here with us," he says. Here, he wanted to relax a bit, and here his mother is spewing nonsense. Of course he would have liked his hyung and Hoseok to get back together. They would have all liked that given the ex-pair's history, no one liked change, especially him. So, he was a bit childish in the beginning getting angry at his older brother for abandoning him and abandoning his omega. He grew up thinking Hoseok and Yoongi were a fated pair, just like his parents, so of course, he took it a bit hard. But now he has grown, maybe, life had different plans for them. Clearly, life had different plans for his brother seeing how the latter looked infatuated with Seokjin.

"I know. But they have only been dating for 6 months. It's not like they are serious. Plus, Jin is not like Hoseok."

"You didn't even give him time, and of course they are two different people."

"Jin's job is not stable," His mother argues. "He is just a model. What will that do, he will always have to depend on my Yoongi? Do you know what he can do? He is clearly after my Yoongi for money"

He gets annoyed at his mother and glares at her, shutting off the TV. "You're being ridiculous. Even if that is, it's none of your business. Didn't you marry dad for money? What job did you do?" He asks. It's not like he is trying to defend Seokjin or anything, but this kind of thing is getting on his nerves.

"Jungkook! What are you saying? That is different. All I am saying is Hoseok would be better suited for your brother. They have been together for a long time before your brother decided to up and leave for Japan. Plus, he is a fitting omega for this family. He has a well-established job as an omega. What will your dad's colleagues and friends think when they see Yoongi's model omega? Your dad and I will be a laughing stock?"

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