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"Do you not love me anymore?"

That is the first thing he asks when he sees Yoongi get into his room. Thankfully hours have passed, getting rid of his swollen, red eyes. Hearing those things come out of Yoongi's mothers mouth and not hearing the alpha defend him hurt. It felt like someone grabbed his heart out of his chest and threw it miles away. Which is why he couldn't help but stay awake, waiting for the man to

"Seokjin, it's late, I am tired. Can we have this conversation later?"

"Why? Why are you being like this? Just tell me, it's very simple. Do you not love me anymore?" He needed to know.

Yoongi stills, giving him a helpless look. "I do love you. I am really tired. Seokjin, let's talk about this later."

He scoffs. "Is it because of Hoseok? Because he's your true mate? Because you..." he notices Yoongi's surprised look and he blinks through his own emerging tears and continues, "...love him."

"I'm sorry"

"Stop! Tell me it clearly. Stop acting like this. You didn't...you didn't even defend me when your mom was spouting horrible stuff about me. Do you guys hate me that much? Am I that terrible?" he lashes out. He wipes his tears and glares at the alpha, who only runs a hand through his hair.

"She didn't mean it like that."

"Oh my god, that– you still didn't defend me! Is that what you thought of me as well? That I am only with you for money and fame. That I am possibly already looking to move to my next target,"

"Seokjin, please," the producer shush-es him, "quiet down. My parents will hear."

"Are we done?"


"Are we done? Are you done trying to break me even more?"

"I'm sorry, Seokjin. I love you but not in th–"

Biting his lips, he turns towards the closet, wanting nothing but to run away.

"What are you doing?" The man asks him

"I am going back."

"It's the middle of the night. Stop this. Stop acting up."

"I am acting up? Yoongi, really?" he asks, baffled. "I am acting up because the past several days my boyfriend ignored me, then didn't defend me when things were being implied about me, and then basically says he loves someone else."

"I'm sorry. But Seokjin, stop. You can't literally find any flight out now. Nor will you find a cab or bus at this time." The alpha grabs his hand, which he shakes off with a glare.

He wants to scream in pain, because that is what he is feeling. Pain and anger. And helpless.

"Can we please talk about this later? Until our parents' anniversary. I do not want to create an uncomfortable atmosphere that will ruin the party."

He blinks in response, surprised.

"I know I am asking a lot but it's been years since I came. I don't want to make it awkward and take away the attention from their party. So, please, if we can keep this quiet at least until Friday."

Seokjin can't help but let out a sob in disbelief, falling onto his knees. When Yoongi tries to hug him, whispering "sorry", he shoves the man away. "Don't touch me." He falls mute afterwards when the alpha complies and goes on the bed, covering himself with a blanket to sleep.


He doesn't go down to eat nor makes any movement to leave, staying to watch out the window from his sofa beside it. When Yoongi knocks at the door, close to sunset, he refuses to turn around or heed any attention.

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