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He looked at the paper, with an angry sigh. It didn't help. There were only a few names on the list, two which he remembered were Seokjin's heat partners, flaunting towards his face. Fucking heat partners. Like the fuck? It annoyed him to no end, despite the fact that he had no rights to that feeling. He didn't own Seokjin. Not yet, at least.

He was going to change that.

And to that, he was going to stop being so stupid and finally go after what he wants. Rubbing his eyes, he yawned, shutting off the computer. It's 11 at night and he was stuck in his office. He had been scouring through the net to see if there was anything suspicious with Seokjin's friends and acquaintances. Unfortunately, he found nothing suspicious, nothing out of sorts – none of them had any criminal backgrounds or any offenses. So, he was pretty much at a dead end.

"You okay, boss?"

He turns to face the speaker, finding Eunho by the door, all ready to leave, it seemed.

He nods, taking the paper with the names and putting it inside Seokjin's file.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to add more work on your plate. Chief Lee asked me and I would have helped but I am struggling with two of the cases on my own and was not sure I would have been able to handle an additional one."

Jungkook shakes his head. "Oh, no problem. I don't mind." It's not like he could have explained his real reasoning behind taking the case. He's pretty sure he wouldn't have allowed anyone else to take it either.

"Were you able to find who is the stalker? Or, did you get to find any lead?"

"None so far. Probably soon though." He's planning to visit the omega at his work and probably try and find out if there was anything out of the ordinary.

"Okay, let me know if you need anything. Good night!"

The other detective leaves, leaving him alone in his room. Blinking, he pictures what happened the past several months and years, feeling nothing but lonely. Other than work, he would go to the bar for some drinks, hang out with colleagues and friends. But, now, he no longer feels like it. With a yawn, he gets up. He turns everything off and leaves his office. It is time for some sleep.



He really didn't understand the need for the extra precautions. It was not like he was that famous, yet, his manager was acting as if he was some big shot, taking his gifts, studying them, and returning those to him once he considered them safe. It's been a recurring thing after the last mail he had received to his home, which honestly said nothing but "you're so pretty Seokjin-sh, fighting!". Granted, it was weird that is was delivered to his home, but still.

Grabbing the flower bouquet, he sniffed at the pleasant smell, and left it on the vanity. He was here for a photoshoot for a Spring Etude magazine. They have him wearing a bright yellow suit with a pink satin tie around his collar, pink blush, and pink gloss. He felt shy, having a bit of his chest on display. But taking a deep breath, he walks to the set, presented nicely for him. One of the makeup artists came and fixed his hair before he began. Posing under the inquisitive eyes.

It was a few minutes, when something caught his eye. Something, or rather someone familiar near his manager. Stilling, he swallows hard. It was Jungkook, who looked ever so imposing and strong, with a blue shirt stretched across his chest and slim slacks fitted to his thighs. The alpha had his arms crossed as he listened to his manager say something animatedly, arms flailing about, hands clasped on a white note. A letter?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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